When shit hits the fan...and get's worse...

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.......That someone being Minamino-kun.....His fangirls practically died over fear of their poor prince getting hurt. I scrambled to turn off the music, and quickly got up to apologize to him. It was my fault after all.

"Uh...sorry about that..I wasn't paying attention."

The hallway suddenly went quiet, and a small crowd formed. The silence transformed into small whispers spreading throughout the circle of people around us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw both Sierra and Mizo joining the crowd. The fangirls were glaring daggers at me. I turned back to Minamino when I heard his voice start speaking. "It's alright, I was rather careless as well." At that he smiled at me and kept walking.

Guh, now I feel bad.... As the crowd started to disperse, Sierra took the chance to take her bag back from my grasps. She then stuck her tongue out and muttered the words "karma's a bitch." Mizo chuckled, and I sighed in annoyance. We then separated, and Sierra and I headed to class.


Glares, glares everywhere.....Imagine a classroom full of kids right. 95% of the girls were glaring at this one guy, aka me, the other 5% either didn't care or were clueless as to what was even going on. Meanwhile the male population had 25% of the guys glaring 75% not caring, or clueless as to what's going on. My seat had been taken by that same girl who yelled at me yesterday. (It's not like I wanted to sit there anyway) However, Minamino sighed, faced me and gave an apologetic smile on her behalf. Giving him a smile back of reassurance, I simply sat next to Sierra. After that the teacher came in, and class began.


And just like that first period flew by. Second period being as awkward as the first went by as well. It was finally third period. One more period until I get to hang out with Mizo and Sierra and escape this glaring hell. Damn, news travels hella fast though... I was wasting my time doodling, since I already finished my Chemistry class work. Occasionally, I would look up to see if anyone, besides Minamino, turned in their work. Being the second done after him will be even more awkward. At the sound of a chair screeching, I turned to see another kid, I believe his name was Kaito, go up to turn in his classwork in as well. Counting down a minute, I got up to turn mine in, dodging the numerous attempts of people trying to trip me (a majority of them being girls). I sighed and continued doodling, once I got back to my seat.

A few minutes later the teacher spoke. At this time at least ¾ of the class was finished with the classwork. Half paying attention, half not, I continued my doodle session. With the few words I actually listened too, apparently we were getting a group project. Two in each group....just great....

Basically like some teachers do, she assigned the group members beforehand. Causing numerous people to groan, in which she gave the 'in the real world you have to work with people you don't get along with or normally talk to' speech. I silently prayed for a partner that wouldn't be a pain in the ass. Sierra isn't in this class (neither is Mizo) so I'm virtually alone. She listed off names one by one.


The dreaded word was then spoken. Gulping, and breaking in a cold sweat I momentarily stopped doodling and started twirling my pencil around in my hand. Trying to give out a sort of 'get over with it' vibe.

"You will be working with.."

My other hand was on my leg, trying to stop myself from shivering from nervousness. This is it. The next words she says will decide my fate for the next two weeks....

"Shuichi Minamino"

We both made eye contact at roughly the same time.





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