Reina Taguru

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I'm Meiana's sister Reina. I'm honestly the better sister. That's just a fact. I'm also older so that kinda explains it.....

DOB: August 20th
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Food: none
Natural Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Yellow
Siblings: Meiana, Elfman
Gender: Female
Personality: full of herself, (sometimes) nice, competitive
Hair Style: Long and Straight
Parents: Frankie Taguru, mom is missing
Habits: saying darling instead of people's name
Zodiac: Leo
Pet Peeves: being told what to do
Dislikes: none
Likes: being in charge, fashion, being quirky
Height: 5ft 2in
Powers: Neutral Magic
Talents: singing
Voice: low pitched
Children: Tikaira
Spouse/ Boyfriend/ Baby Daddy: Jeiba
Pets: Princess (cat)

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