Kim Jeohoo

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Y'aLl ThouGhT I wAs DeD lmAo!!

Age: 25

DOB: May 30th

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts

Nicknames/ Stage Names: Jeoie, JeoJeo

Natural Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Favorite Food: Sour Cream....

Favorite Color: Gray

Personality: the sweetest person you will ever meet, considerate, funny

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: animals, being outside, tRacK

Dislikes: dirty things

Talents: talking REALLY fast

GF/Spouse/Baby Momma: none

Children: Jayrie (his ex picked the name dont ask...)

Height: 5'11"

Nationality: Korean-American

~Fun Fact~
(You would know this if you read Adventures of HU11U) He used to be the leader of HU11U but he faked his death in 2016 to escape the media.

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