Park Soonjae

56 0 0
                             today I went to--OU A BIRD!

Age: 19

DOB: May 19th

Nicknames/ Stage Names: Jae, JaeMonk, Tootsie Roll, E.T.

Natural Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Favorite Food: any candy or sweets

Favorite Color: Green

Personality: super sweet, sensitive, cares about others more than himself

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: singing, dancing, playing the recorder (lul)

Dislikes: being ignored, loosing arguments, having little to no camera time

GF/Spouse/Baby Momma: Katy (Kawaii_Jkookie )

Children: (i forgot the name but its a girl)(nvm) Jeyo

Height: 5'10"

Nationality: Taiwanese

~Fun Fact~
He ate a smol tub of petroleum jelly when he was a baby......The doctors actually said it was good for his intestinal track (still dont do that).

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