Casey Choe

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That's inappropriate ~__~

Age: 22

DOB: May 8th

Nicknames/ Stage Names: ChiChi, Green Bean, Goody Goody

Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Favorite Food: Anything unhealthy

Favorite Color: Red

Personality: bossy but considerate, gets down to business, basically takes no ish whatsoever

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: scaring people, being embarrassing, being a mom

Dislikes: being ignored, being purposely mocked, being mocked period, loosing

BF/Spouse/Baby Daddy: (boyfriend) ChiN hWA (Kawaii_Jkookie )

Children: Chooji, Jin Woo

Height: 5'5"

Nationality: Taiwanese

~Fun Fact~
She isn't a bad dancer.....but she is the lowest ranked dancer in FO.

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