Parker Chung

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.........don't make me get mah belt.

Age: 23

DOB: December 25th

Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea

Nicknames/ Stage Names: P-Chung, Dad, Lame-O

Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Favorite Food: Ramen

Favorite Color: Blue

Personality: tries to be funny, bossy, blunt, seductive

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: being with other people, playing video games, singing

Dislikes: Ellie, being alone, bland food, cleaning bodily fluids (idk anymore)

Talents: track and field....and basically any other sport but mostly track

GF/Spouse/Baby Momma: (wife) Skylar (Kawaii_Jkookie )

Children: none

Height: 6 ft even

Nationality: Korean

~Fun Fact~
One time in an interview he said, and I quote, "Sometimes, I wonder what my occupation would be if I wasn't an idol......I would probably be a stripper or something..."


Heh...I see a lot of y'all came to Parker huh? Heh heh....

Aight Imma Stop Now

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