Yao Min Lee

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When life gives you lemons.......BURN THEM! CUZ WHERE THE HECK DID THEY COME FROM?! Or you could make Boston Creme Pie.......

Age: 20

DOB: October 23rd

Place of Birth: Beijing, China

Nicknames/ Stage Names: Yaomin, Scaredy Cat, Pea

Natural Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Favorite Food: (don't you dare say cats) PeArs

Favorite Color: Navy Blue

Personality: sweet (at times), always sparking awkward moments, takes stuff too seriously, mean (I guess), thinks about himself before he thinks about others

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: singing, playing the violin, playing the bass, writing songs

Dislikes: being the center of attention, being called adorable (even though he is), being yelled at

Talents: he can fold his tongue in three ways a normal human tongue cannot be folded

BF/GF/Spouse/Baby Momma: (fiancée) Itsume (Kawaii_Jkookie )

Children: Terry, Boyoung

Height: 5'11"

Nationality: Chinese

~Fun Fact~
He chopped all of his eyelashes off in second grade when he learned about eyelash mites.

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