Ryung Mai

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Hee hee hee he said "I do do" *childish laughter*

Age: 24

DOB: August 5th

Nicknames/ Stage Names: Rocky, MaiMai, ToddyTeeter(thank Parker for the last one)

Natural Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Favorite Food: Anything spicy

Favorite Color: Gray

Personality: childish, sweet, caring, sensitive to other people's feelings, has a sweet spot for french fries and jalapenos.....

Sexuality: Pansexual

Likes: Jalapenos, Parker (NOT LIKE DAT DEY JUST PALS), Bunnies

Dislikes: being ignored, being cut off, having his attention stolen

BF/GF/Spouse/Baby Momma: (wife) Yuri (WinterGirl246 )

Children: Soonmin

Height: 5'11"

Nationality: Korean

~Fun Fact~
He likes Beyonce.....way too much....

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