Charlie Yen

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Oh wow, do I get extra credit for knowing how to breathe?

Age: 22

DOB: June 11th

Nicknames/ Stage Names: Char, Pixie, Chunky Monkey

Natural Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel

Favorite Food: BBQ Stuff

Favorite Color: Powder Purple

Personality: insecure, sweet, quick to snap doe, entitled

Sexuality: use your imagination

Likes: singing, rapping, dying her hair, being loud

Dislikes: cats, being yelled at, not having her way

BF/ Spouse/ Baby Daddy: (husband) *y'all want me to live right?*

Children: Junho, Juri, Minjun, Minji, Crystal

Height: 5'3"

Nationality: Korean

~Fun Fact~

Her celebrity crush is now her husband.

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