Sakhda Jaipakdee

39 0 0

Hu hu, isn't this a surprise?

Age: 20

DOB: April 28th

Nicknames/ Stage Names: SJ, Sakja, Sajai

Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Favorite Food: Honey butter chips

Favorite Color: Purple

Personality: blunt, nice (i guess), can be mean at times

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: writing songs, being embarrasing

Dislikes: being called ugly, scaredy cats

BF/ Spouse/ Baby Daddy: (boyfriend) Ji Hun (Kawaii_Jkookie )

Children: Kirin

Height: 5'2"

Nationality: Thai

~Fun Fact~
She's a trap baby too, but she can't play every single song she wants because they're explicit and her husband doesn't like that T^T.

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