september 5, 2015

118 8 0

1:24 pm

minhyuk and insook walked around the shopping center hand in hand.

minhyuk savored this action. he dearly wanted to tell insook how he felt, but feared it wound ruin their friendship.

insook lightly squeezed minhyuk's hand.

he looked down at her.

"rocky, can we get burgers?" she asked him.

"sure." he shrugged his shoulders.


1:31 pm

insook and minhyuk found a table to sit at. they placed there trays down, one on each side so they could face each other as they ate.

if you didn't know any better, you'd think they were a young couple.

"yah, rocky."

"what's up insook?"

"did bin call you today?" she asked him.

"uh... no. why?" minhyuk asked, taking a sip from his soda.

"he invited me to go somewhere with him today. i thought maybe he invited you as well." insook bit into her burger.

"what did you tell him?"

"i told him i already have plans with you today and that he could reschedule for next weekend." she said calmly. "why does it interest you?"

"just curious, that's all." minhyuk said as he bit into his burger.

"yah, rocky." insook nudged him.


"hurry up."

"don't rush me." minhyuk laughed.

"you're taking forever!"

"yah! it's not my fault you eat like a pig!"

"i'm hurt minhyuk." insook placed her hand over her heart and pretended to cry.

" shut up. i'm done now, lets go." minhyuk stood up with his trash in hand.

insook was about to grab her trash but minhyuk beat her to it.

"yah, i can do it myself." she whined.

"it's called a kind gesture. accept it." minhyuk said then tossed both of their garbage in the bin.

insook grabbed minhyuk's hand, looked up at him, and smiled.

"now, lets do something fun." she said then started to run through the mall, dragging minhyuk along with her.

"insook! slow down!" minhyuk shouted while earning strange looks from people in the shopping center.


1:59 pm

insook finally stopped running. minhyuk looked around and realized where they were, a build-a-bear.

"why are we at a build-a-bear sooki?"

"since we've been friends for... as long as i can remember, i thought we could come here and make each other a bear. to symbolize our friendship and that we'll never forget about each other." insook smiled shyly.

minhyuk couldn't help but smile.

"then what are we waiting for?"

insook smiled and pulled minhyuk into the store.

"you'll make a bear to represent me and i'll make one representing you, got it?" minhyuk nodded.


2:17 pm

"that'll be 86,852 won for the two bears." the lady at the register said.

minhyuk pulled out his wallet and handed the lady the amount she said.

"by the way, you two are such a cute couple."

insook blushed lightly.

"thank you for the compliment ma'am, but we're not dating. we're just friends." minhyuk said politely.

"oh dear, forgive me. you two just look so cute together, that's all."

minhyuk just smiled at the lady. they got their change back and left the store.


2:26 pm

"what'd you name your bear?" insook asked minhyuk.

"sooki." insook blushed. "what'd you name yours?"

"i named him rocky."

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