september 20, 2015

68 2 2

8:47 pm

minhyuk sat in the waiting room for hours, waiting for news on dongmin. he tried calling insook, but she never picked up the phone. that's when he decided to call sanha, who thankfully showed up around two hours ago.

minhyuk didn't want to seem weak in front of the younger, but he needed someone. he thought having sanha with him would help him calm down, and it did; but he just wanted to cry more.

sanha didn't know how to help minhyuk. as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't.

"is there anyone for a lee dongmin?" one of the doctors asked.

minhyuk shot up and ran towards the doctor, sanha trailing after him.

"i'm lee dongmin's brother." minhyuk said as he franticlly wiped the tears running down his face.

the doctor looked down at his clipboard for a moment then looked back up at the two boys.

"well, it seems that mr. lee had a bad reaction to the chemo; thus causing him to experience seizures." the doctor said calmly.

"is he gonna be ok? why is he forgetting things?" minhyuk frantically formed the words.

"he's fine, for now; this treatment is the last resort for mr. lee. if he can't pull through with this, then you'll have to prepare your goodbyes with him. now, as for the memory loss, none of the other patients, that i know of, have experienced that side effect. unfortunately i can't explain that for you." the doctor told the two.

"when will i be able to see him?" minhyuk asked.

"you could come back tomorrow if you'd like." the doctor suggested.

"ok, thank you." minhyuk slightly smiled at the doctor before walking back to the waiting area.


9:01 pm

the two sat at opposite sides of the small couch.

moonbin knows he fucked up. that was her first kiss, hell, it was his first kiss.

he turned around and lightly tapped insook's shoulder, causing her to flinch.


she turned around and locked eyes with moonbin.

"please don't confuse me, bin."

moonbin slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"w-what do you mean by that?" he asked.

"i don't know what's up with you bin! you don't show up to school to try and avoid us; you don't want to let me into your house until i begged to be let in; then you kiss me?! how does that make any sense to you?!" insook shouted as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"i ca-"

before bin could finish his sentence insook's phone started to buzz.

she quickly picked up her phone and put it to her ear.

"hey sanha, what's up?"

she gasped as she covered her mouth.

"he's at the hospital?"

"ok i'll be right there to pick him up. bye sanha."

once she hung up she quickly stood up and started heading for the door.

"wait, where are you going?" moonbin asked frantically.

"i need to get to the hospital, minhyuk needs me." she said as grabbed onto the door handle.

moonbin ran over to insook and grabbed her shoulder, "let me take you." he said quietly.


hi pals sorry for the very late update on this chapter. my birthdays in 15 minutes and i've been decorating the house and getting things prepared for tomorrow. anyways i hope you enjoyed the update and i'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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