september 19, 2015

94 5 3

3:16 pm

minhyuk lightly knocked on the door waiting for his elder's response.

once he heard the ok, he quickly opened the door, taking a step into the solid white room.

"minhyukkie! i missed you!" dongmin greeted his dongsaeng with a smile on his face.

"hi dongmin hyung, how's everything going?" the younger asked as he pulled a chair up to his elder's hospital bed.

"they started some new type of chemo today; they said it's cured most patients. hopefully it'll work for me and i'll finally be able to go and see my mom." dongmin smiled at the younger.

he doesn't remember.

"hyung," minhyuk swallowed. "your mom passed away five years ago."

"that's not true minhyuk, she called me this morning." he innocently smiled.

he's forgotten about his mother's death.

"minhyukkie," the elder called his dongsaeng. "where are binnie and insook?"

"insooks probably at home with her mom; as for bin, i don't really know."

"i miss when it was just the four of us against the world. we were inseparable!" dongmin said happily, then quickly frowned.

"hey, why the long face?"

"when do you think bin and insook will visit me?" the raven haired boy asked.

"i don't know hyung; it's all up to them."


3:20 pm

bin heard a quiet knock on his front door. he walked to his door and slowly opened it, revealing a shivering insook.

"what are you doing here?" he asked coldly.

"i've been worried about you bin."

"why, you've got minhyuk." bin said as he slowly closed the door.

insook wedged her foot in the door frame.

"bin wait!" she cried. "please let me in."

the older just sighed and opened his door, letting in the freezing girl. she whispered a quiet 'thank you' as she took off her shoes.

"where've you been?" she asked him.

"around." he answered coldly.

"don't be that way, bin."

"did minhyuk tell you anything?" moonbin asked.

"he said there were some family problems, but it's been over a week since we've seen you. i was worried." she said as she played with her fingers.

'he would say that.' bin thought to himself.

"insook, do you know anything about how i feel about you?" bin asked as he stepped closer to her.

"y-you're one of my best friends." she smiled at him.

once moonbin was close enough to insook, he lightly pulled her towards him. he gently held pushed her chin up; making her look up at him.

"i really like you insook. like a lot." he said as he slowly started to lean into her.

"bin," was the only thing that could escape her lips when moonbin connected his lips with hers.


3:31 pm

"we need a nurse!" minhyuk shouted as he ran out his elder's hospital room.

a few nurses followed minhyuk to dongmin's room, where the elder was having a seizure. the three nurses quickly wheeled the boy's bed to the emergency room. minhyuk tried to follow his elder when three male nurses held him back.

tears started to fall out of minhyuk's eyes as he screamed for dongmin.

"sir, you need to calm down." one of the nurses said calmly.

"my brother could die right now! how do you expect me to calm down?!?" minhyuk shouted through his tears.

"sir i-" the nurse started before being interrupted my the younger boy.

"no you don't understand what's going on!" minhyuk cried.

two of the male nurses pulled minhyuk to the waiting area and sat the crying boy down. the boy pulled his knees to his chest, tears flowing out his eyes. how could this happen so quickly?

he was fine twenty minutes ago; they told him he'd be ok? they promised him everything would be fine. everything was supposed to be ok. he was supposed to get better.

forgotten ↣ p.m.h.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon