chapter 4

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* sorry about the late update! *

They saw...the temple up ahead, Riku holds Rossa's hand and looked at her Rossa nods "WHOA THAT'S HUGE!" yells sora Donald facepalmed and goofy chuckles, they all started to head towards the temple

Meanwhile inside

There was a small girl with brown hair, she sat in a room with chains around her small body she opens her eyes, showing a mysterious dark shade of violet or indigo eyes were seen, she closes them again and her thoughts were running through her head, like who am i? .... where am i? What is this place? She barely remembers anything....

Back with the gang

Sora had run up a head he was excited to see what's in the temple until someone pulled him back "Sora we have to wait for the others" said a woman with a blue jacket, black shirt, green pants and grey shoes she also has brown hair and brown eyes she also wore a necklaces with a chain that looks a paopu fruit (( similar to aqua's design)) but is purple, "aw come on Harli you're no fun in this form" Sora says the woman or known as harli has the ability to change her age but this is her real age and she's 17 and her other age is 14 which we'll talk about her later on " i don't care we got to go back to our friends" Harli says and Sora sighs but smiles "i guess you're right i went a little too far" Sora says as they head back to the others

* again sorry about the late update but this is all i can do for today bye

~ Hedgie*

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