chapter 8

8 1 0

Year: 2XXX
Place: ???????

??? P.O.V

Looking back to the past sometimes you got to think 'why did i do that?' Or ' what did i do wrong?' But as for me when i think about my past all i could think about how pity and sympathy everyone thought of me back then, but hey you can't blame me.

3rd P.O.V

the figure laughs at their thoughts, and speaks up " it's not like anyone in the past truly cares about me, well not really me but Chenjā herself" the figure walks into the light it was a female figure with brown hair in a high ponytail, dark brown eyes, she was wearing a dark green and light green pattern bullet proof military vest, dark green and light green military pants, she wears a skin tight long-sleeved black shirt, dark brown leather gloves, and dark brown knee high combat/military boots, she smirks " this will be fun" she says, and she walks down the corridor towards the outside bright light......

* I'M SO SORRY FOR UPDATING MY BOOKS!!! I'VE BEEN BUSY AND STUCK LATELY!!! Anyway i hope you guys like this

~ Hedgie *

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