chapter 5

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As Sora heads back to the others, they all started to feel a dark energy coming from the temple, they weren't quite sure what this dark energy is all they know they need to get into the temple, and be ready for what ever it is in there....

a few hours later, 

already when they entered they had to go through so many monsters each one was harder then the last one (( that's what she said)) but then they entered a room and they saw, a girl chained up, when Riku saw her, he he doesn't know why but he felt he needed to keep her, they walked up to her but something glowed on the ground they looked down , they saw those strange writing glowing suddenly the chains break and disappear and Riku caught her.

suddenly a white light surround them blinding them...

*finally!!!! i made chapter 5!!! by the way the girl's name is Chenjā, Japanese for changer because let's say she is a big changer


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