Chapter 6

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When Chanjā woke up, she looked around to notice she was in someone's arms, she looks up at the person, and saw this person has long silver hair and glowing teal eyes.

She looked around again to see other people around and a duck and a dog? She tilts her head in confusion the person that's holding her notice he speaks up " hey there, I'm Riku" he says softly to her Chenjā looks at him and stares at him

" I'm Sora!" Said the brown headed boy she looks at him the she looks at the pink-ish red head girl, she smiles and waves "hi, I'm kairi" she says, Chenjā looks at the duck and dog "I'm Donald Duck" the duck says "the names Goofy" the dog says then she saw two people walk in a 14 year old and an 18 year old girls they both saw her and smiles well the 14 year old grinned "I'm Harli" says the 14 year old girl, she looks at the other girl "I'm Rossa" she says in a soft voice

Chenjā looks at everyone remembering each and everyone their names then, Riku speaks up "Do you have a name little one?" He asks she looks at him and says "Chenjā"

* sorry for not updating i was so caught up on life i barely thought of something i hope you enjoyed!!


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