chapter 11

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Once they walked through the portal, the computer within the wristbands speaks up saying "Dimension: 63KF World name: Attack on titan" Captain G chuckles and looks at Charles " I'm surprised that internet works here" she says smirking, they were in town wearing casual clothes in this time line except for Charles who was wearing the servey corps uniform Beast wraps a long cloak around Chenjā and kept the hoodie up, the others out their cloaks on as well but kept their hoodies down well Charles has his up for reasons as they were walking Charles spotted a few...people he thought he never would see straight away so he tried not to get spotted those people were Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin, Hanji, Christa and Ymir 

Charles felt...sad because he used to be friends with them...but things changed as the team walks away Charles watches the his old friends as they walked away, he jumped when he felt a hand on his arm he looks to see Chenjā...was trying to comfort him he smiled softly at her and they kept moving

As time passes by they were outside of the walls  killing off some beasts that don't belong to this world, as Chenjā watches from a far she wonders what it's like to fear feel any emotions then say says " Why must times like these i wished for emotions" she says

* sorry for the very short chapter but anyway i hope you enjoy it!

~Hedgie *

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