05- Revised

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"Scott," I call. "can we talk?"

He nods and motions me to join him.

"Sure, what's up?" He asks.

"I uh, I'm leaving town for a while," I sigh. "I need to figure some things out, take some time for myself."

There's so much death around me. I can't keep watching my friends die in front of me. I watched Allison die and it was the hardest thing I've ever experienced.

"You don't have to leave, I can help you. Anything you need."

"I need time to myself."

Scott slightly nods and smiles my way, in an unsure way.

I place my hand on his shoulder and gasp.

It's dark and raining, and Scott is walking in the woods with Kira. They're laughing and smiling and holding hands. Then, they splash in a puddle and electric sparks, Scott's knees buckle beneath him and falls to the grass. He's gasping for breath and Kira is crying over his body. Her cries burn in my mind. Her eyes are a golden color, the Kitsune shines.

Chills cover my body as my vision refocuses on Scott. I pull my hand away and tears stream down my face.

"What happened?" He asks, a quizzical look plastered on his face.

I breathe sharply and turn my back to him. I knew I should've left sooner. I can't deal with this right now.

"I have to leave." I reply.

"What happened?" He asks in a stern tone. I shake my head and reply,

"I don't know."

I don't and that scares the hell out of me. I touched his shoulder one minute, and the next I'm dreaming?


I'm so glad I decided to leave for a while. After everything that we've faced, after everyone we've lost, I need this. Josh keeps telling me it's not selfish to take time for yourself, and I agree, but it doesn't satisfy the guilt in my heart. I am leaving my friends and family to go off and 'relax' for a while. They deserve this as much as I do.

"Where exactly are you going?" Dad asks.

The cover story is that I am going camping. In reality, I have no idea where Josh plans to take me.

"Camping with Chris Argent and Issac." I reply.

Keep a straight face. Dad can tell when I'm lying, keep a straight face!

"How long will you be gone?" He asks.

"About a month, I guess."

Dad looks at the ground and nods. He sucks his teeth before returning his gaze back to me.

He grins and pulls me in for a hug.

"Have fun and be careful, please." He mumbles into my hair.

Stiles' jaw drops. His eyes practically burst out of his head.

Oh, I love being treated differently! I was dads Princess growing up. Despite the fact that Stiles and I are twins, I was still the favorite. Still am, actually. I'm glad to say I still hold the title.

"You're fine with her going to Paris , but I go to Mexico and I was grounded for a week?!" Stiles whines.

"You told me you were going camping... you went to Mexico. I trust Carrie is telling me the truth."  Dad replies.

Dad walks away, leaving me with Stiles.

"Better luck next time, dork." I whisper.

"Are you actually going camping with Argent and Issac?" Stiles asks.

"As far as Dad is concerned, yes." I reply. "Tell Dad what I'm actually doing and I will kill you."

I need to pack. But the problem is, what do I pack? I'll be gone for a while, I'm assuming. I guess I'll just grab my essentials.

I run upstairs and rummage through the coat closet for a suitcase. I'm not planning on taking a bunch of stuff, considering I don't even know what the plan is.

Once I find the suitcase, I begin packing my clothes and essentials. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, I'm running away with Josh. I'm actually taking time for myself and trying to figure things out.

2023 update- I'd like to thank everyone for their support over the years with this book. I decided to revise this because my old writing style was a bit of a train wreck. Please be patient with me, as I have a life outside of Wattpad, and I am diligently working on other books as well as revising this one!

Voices T.W. UNDER REVISIONWhere stories live. Discover now