Introducing Stilinski..

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Stiles' POV:

I flutter my eyes open and slowly cover the light from my eyes, stretching out and kicking the quilt to the floor.

"Come on kiddo. You have school today. I need to go to work, so I need you up." My dad smiles cheerfully, pulling the curtains apart, and I shield my eyes with my arm and groan as I roll over. "I said...up..." He grabs my arm and pulls me out of bed. I yell as I fall and head butt the hard wooden floor beneath me.

"I'm up, I'm up...." I hiss and groan, stumbling to my feet and rubbing my eyes as my dad pats my shoulder.

"I'll be back around 10."   I nod and manage a smile as he waves and walks down the stairs, calling up to me before he leaves.  "Love you, son!"

"Love you too, dad!"   I shout back and I stand up to go and have a shower.

I really can't be bothered with school.  I mean I'm great at it and everything, but,  it means I have another week of being pushed around by Jackson the jackass.

The only decent thing abut the day is my double Biology test after lunch.   I know I'm going to get 100%.    I do all the time.     

I guess you can call me a nerd or a geek....       But, I think the word GENIUS! Defines me better.   I swear I'm going to get a Nobel prize one day.    I just know it.

I stop my thoughts and climb from the shower, drying my self off and pulling on some black pants and a blue, stud muffin top.      I pull on my batman boots and my lucky red jacket, grab my keys for my jeep and head to pick up Scott.

Who in my eyes, is a bigger nerd than me!  But. Nothing bad ever happened to him!

"Hey bud.   Thanks for picking me up, my mum took my keys because I thought she was going to give me a safe sex talk.... I thought wrong."

I laugh as I pull away from the kerb, only to slam on the breaks as a black Comero swerves and speeds past.    I honk my horn and wind the window down.

"JACKASS!"   I shout, by my attempt fails as he continues to speed off down the road.        After double checking... I pull out and continue our drive to school.   "How's Allison?"      I ask, smiling and glancing at Scott for a second and he laughs loudly.

"She's fine..." He laughs even harder and I stop the car at the side of the road and turn to face him.

"What's so funny?" I ask raising my eyebrows and smiling.

"It's the first time I've heard you swear at something."  He chuckles and I start the jeep again and head to the school.

We pull up and I completely miss the Comero parked near the office...   We jump out and head up to the door, and I put my arm out and stop Scott near the entrance and I turn around. 

"That's that jerk, that nearly hit us!" I sneer, and Scott turns and follows my gesture to the sexy car that stands out from the rest.

"Well, his car... He must be inside already." Scott shrugs and I sigh as I look behind him and see Lydia with one of her friends.

"Hey Lydia, you look....... Like your going to ignore me."   I say waving, but only to be ignored as she zones out my existence and walks past laughing with her click.

"It's kind of pathetic.  You've tried to get her for what?   10 years now?" Scott chuckles as we walk into school.

"Your the cause of this you know..." I smirk.

"The cause of what?!" He yells confused and I wrap my arm around him and pull him into my side.

"You, dragging me into your nerd depths."     He lightly hits my arm and we laugh as we walk into school.

A.P. Biology test, here I come.

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