A little out of the ordinary...

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Stiles' POV:

"What the hell you do that for?!" I yell after he shuts the door in Derek's face.

He gives me an angry look before creasing his eyebrows in and crossing his arms...  "I don't care who he his.. Why the hell!... Are you skipping school!" He yells and i flinch under his tone.

I stay quiet and we stand quietly as he waits for me to give him an answer.

"I don't know." I mumble, almost inaudibly, and he sighs glancing to the door and back to me.

"You were with him weren't you?" He asks calmly, and I slowly nod my head.     He opens the door to see if he's still there, but curses and slams it shut.  "Tell me who he is..." He says and I back up a bit.

"Why?" I ask and he slams his hand down on the table.

"Because I'm going to your shit hole of a school, and telling them that the fucker forced you out old school!"  He says, his voice turning to a shout towards the end.  "Now tell me!"

I flinch some and shake my head... "No, please just leave it. He didn't force me into anything. He's my friend.. Just please... I'll never, ever do it again. I promise." I ask quickly and he thinks some before nodding.

"Never again, Stiles." He sighs again and walks off into the living room, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the side, pouring himself a tiny glass before putting it back in the cupboard and sitting on the settee to watch some football.

I let out a breath it seems I was holding and I slowly climb the stairs and walking Into my own room and flopping onto my own bed.

I get a cold breeze and look over to see the window open, I crease my brows in, since I don't remember opening it, and my dad never comes into my room.   I yank it shut, and as I turn around I see Derek frowning on my bed, and I gasp as I fall back and into the wardrobe.

"What are you doing up here?! What's wrong?" I ask going to sit next to him.

"I just got you done. I'm so sorry Stiles. I should never have asked you to go out somewhere with me."  His frown deepens and I place my hand in his leg, him, looking up and meeting my gaze.

"Don't worry about it.  Like I said, it's the most fun I've had in a long time. So, thank you." I smile and he finally brightens up and stands to walk over to the window.

"Meet me in the changing room tomorrow morning.  We can give coach the presentation okay?" He smiles and sticks one leg out the window so I quickly grab his arm.

"Wait! What were you going to do outside? Before- Before we got interrupted?" I ask shyly and he smiles some.

"Nothing.." He slowly moves his hand up and grabs my chin with his thumb and forefinger, moving my head to the side.

I'm slightly confused until I feel his lips press against my cheek for a few seconds. Once he releases me, he climbs out the window and jumps to the ground.

I smile as I watch him drive off, and cup my cheek in my hand.

- Next day -

I couldn't possibly wake up any faster. Since Derek kissed me on the cheek, I couldn't sleep, I was buzzing all night!

I look at my clock and see I'm awake half an hour too early so I smile and jump out of bed and rush into the bathroom to have a shower.

I hum as I brush my teeth, and smile at my reflection for once.

I get dressed into a blue target shirt and a red and black flannel shirt, with some blue skinny jeans.   I pull on my converse and beanie and skip down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Well isn't this surprising..." My dad chirps, inspecting me over the top of his newspaper and I chuckle as I grab the rest of the coffee and slurp it down.

"I'm going to head off early okay.... Love you pa." I say, kissing him on the cheek. He nods as I close the door and jump into my jeep.

I get to school around twenty minutes later and I start to get butterflies as I cut the engine off.    I pull down my mirror and quickly check myself over before opening the door and getting out.

I walk up past the office and walk all the way through to the other side of school, arriving at the changing rooms.

I take a deep breath before walking in smiling.  I hear a noise in the back and go to see if it's Derek waiting for me.   All of a sudden I hear Derek voice shouting and i hide around the locker, looking through the hole, to see Derek pining Jackson up against the wall.

"I'm sorry I don't quite hear you." Derek hisses and Jackson laughs in his face.

"I said... Why do you hang around with that stupid, spaz of a geek?" Jackson cackles and Derek slams him harder into the metal.

"He is not a spaz, or a geek!   He's a smart, caring boy." Derek growls and I smile some as I continue to watch.

"You sound like a faggot!" He laughs louder.

"Yeah. I'm gay." Derek says, and he flashes his eyes.....   Like literally flashes them a fluorescent blue!  They turn back to their green.   And all the colour has drained from Jackson's face.

Derek drops him to the floor and he shuffles back into the lockers as he gets closer to him.

"Say one more thing to him, or about him..." Derek warns and Jackson nods quickly, before getting up and scurrying past me and out of the changing rooms.

I accidentally trip and fall into plain view of Derek.

He looks at me, and I back away frightened, hitting my back on a locker.

"Stiles, wait, I can explain...."

But it's too late. I'm running. Running fast to get away from Derek and his eyes.

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