Alpha pack...

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Stiles' POV:

"Stiles.  Stiles get up.        STILES!"  I feel a stinging sensation across my face as I yell and open my eyes to see Derek laughing next to my bed.

"What the hell! Did you just slap me?!" I yell louder and he bursts into another fit as laughter as I cup my burning cheek.

He nods his head so I clamber out of bed the best i can in my boxers, and go to slap him back.   I step forwards but he moves sideways and I run straight into the wall.     I quickly turn around and go to leap at him again but he moves and sticks his foot out so I fall to the carpet below me.        

He continues to laugh as a few tears leave his eyes, so I smirk up to him.

"Why are you laughing?  Your the one on the floor..." He chuckles so I swing my foot out and swipe it under his foot, tripping him over so he falls onto the bed.

"AHA!" I yell standing up, but he grabs my arm and yanks me next to him, and we both laugh for a while, before he leans over me and touches my cheek with his hand.

"Sorry..." He whispers leaning closer to my face, going to kiss the red mark across my face.    So I wait until the last second, and quickly snap my head round so he meets his lips with mine.

He smirks and rolls further onto me, and I smile back as the kiss deepens.       A few minutes later things are getting hotter and hotter, and just as I let a moan slip from my mouth my bedroom door opens and my dad walks in crossing his arms.

"I don't know what it is.... But I'm really starting to despise you." My dad sighs looking at Derek who gulps, and moves off me faster than I can blink.

I grab my quilt and hide myself from him, since I'm wearing nothing but a small pair of boxers, "Dad, nothing was happening. We was just kissing." I blush and he narrows his eyes.

There's a deafening silence and I look between my dad and Derek having a stare off, before suddenly, Derek's phone rings and he sighs in relief as he fishes it out from his pocket.

"Hello?" He asks quickly, avoiding the awkward eye contact with my dad. "What... Are you sure?!..... Don't be messing with me Peter.... Okay, I'm on my way."

"This is not over." My dad sighs and walks out as Derek climbs out of bed and towards the window so I jump up and grab him.

"What happened?! Is Peter okay?!" I ask and Derek gets a scared look in his eye.

"I don't know..."  He leans forwards and presses a soft kiss to my lips before leaning back again. "Stay safe, stay at home... This is big."

"Derek, your scaring me.   Is this something to do with the whole werewolf thing?" I ask, but he stays quiet so I take his hand in mine and squeeze it gently. "Why does it sound like your saying goodbye, but not coming back...." I whisper, and he smiles some before letting go of my hand.

"Because I might not be coming back." Before I can say or do anything he jumps to the ground and runs off to the trees.

I stand lifelessly for a few minutes, processing what just happened.   I snap into overdrive and get dressed, pulling on some random Jeans and a random shirt.    I pull on my shoes, and leap down the stairs, out the door and into my jeep.

If he won't tell me, I'll just have to find out.

I park away from his loft, and slowly walk up. I push open the door, and it opens.   I hear yelling from upstairs, one voice of which I know is Derek's.

I stalk round the corner, and hide behind the wall, looking through a small crack, to see Peter sat down relaxed and Derek sighing and pacing the room.

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