Stay away from him... Or i'll kill you.

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Derek's POV:

"Well, look at what the cat dragged in." Peter smirks my stomach drops when I notice he's holding Stiles above the ground.

"Stiles?!" Me and Isaac shout in unison.

"Awe, don't be frightened, we're only going to kill you. Very, very painfully." Peter chuckles and Stiles wiggles and tries to get out.   Peter tightens his grip and Stiles screws his face up in pain. "Ah, ah, ah... Where do you think your going?" He tuts.

"Please just let me go.   I wasn't doing anything. I got curious and followed Derek here." He says, straining his voice to keep the tears away.

Peter laughs again, and lifts his hand up,  stroking it down Stiles' face... He drags it across his chin, and all of a sudden he cries out painfully, and I see Peter dragging his claw across his neck.    Lightly, but he's still loosing blood.

"Peter, stay away from him or I swear to god I'm going to kill you." I hiss and he gets a wicked gleam in his eye.

"So what?    You'd let this pathetic human live, and chance Isaac dying." Peter asks, glancing between us, and both Stiles and Isaac stare at me.

"I'd choose Stiles over anyone. But Isaac is my friend, and we're still going to help him, not using Stiles."      Peter growls and throws him to the floor in front of me, wolfing out.   I grab Stiles' face and kiss him softly, but quickly.  "Hide." I whisper and as soon as I back away, I wolf out too.

I see Stiles staring at me out of the corner of me eye, and watch as Isaac moves him from the scene that's about to happen.

Stiles' POV:

He did it... He wolfed out!   He is actually a werewolf.

I sit on the ground in shock as he stands protectively in front of me, away from a very pissed off Peter.  He told me to hide, but I can't.   He looks so beautiful.

Suddenly, I'm being pulled from the ground and behind a large building. I look up frightened, only to relax again once I see it's only Isaac.

Isaac, who needs to kill a skinny, defenceless human.

"Oh god... Don't kill me!" I scream backing away and he laughs, dragging me back behind the building and holding his hand over my mouth.

"I'm not going to kill you. Shut up." He laughs, finally letting go.

"What? Your not? But, but I thought you said you were gonna die?!" I ask confused and he shakes his head.

"I'll find someone else... But I'm not killing you, because Derek loves you.  I can smell it all over him."

I blink, and smile widely. He loves me. I frown once I remember Derek is still out there with that lunatic.   We peer around the corner, and as we do Derek gets thrown into the wall.

"Derek!" I shout going to run out, but Isaac pulls me back.

"Don't go out there... He's fine. He can't get hurt.   Trust me, Derek's won every fight he's been in." He reassures me.

I watch painfully as they fight. Getting thrown into cars, stabbed, scratched, broken...

Derek lifts Peter up, right above his head, and walks over to a large pole sticking out of the ground.

"No, no, no..  I'm sorry nephew.  The boy will be left alone." Peter squeals, and Derek throws him to the ground.

"Good. Stay away." He growls.

I cry, and run out, jumping onto Derek and sticking my face into his neck.  He lifts up my head, and turns it to the side, inspecting the cut, which has now stopped bleeding.

"Your fine. Wasn't too deep." He sighs in relief and as he turns my head back around, I push up onto my tip toes and press my lips to his.   I warp my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and I tangle my fingers into his dark, ebony hair.

"Derek. Take me home." I yawn... And he nods lightly as he hold ,y hand, and walks me back over to the school.

We leave my jeep there, and I climb into the passenger seat of his Comero. He gets in and smiles at me as he starts the car, and hold my hand as he drives off.

We arrive back at my house, and Derek gets out to walks me to my door...

Derek's POV:
"I know you didn't believe me, but please don't hate m-" I go to say, but he cuts,e off with another kiss.

"Derek. Your perfect.    I would never not like you." He laughs.

He Kisses me goodbye again and walks off inside, shutting the door with a click.

I smile as I scale up his house, and walk along the roof till I get outside his window.    I sit and watch as he lays down and closes his eyes with a smile across his face... And slowly falls asleep.

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