Scott too?

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Stiles' POV:

I yawn and stretch in bed and flicker my eyes open, remembering everything the night before that occurred...

Derek is  werewolf.

He is a sexy werewolf.

He saved my human ass.

And i think i'm falling in love.

However, come to think of it, we haven't really labelled anything yet, relationship wise. Just a few cheeky kisses and what not...   But  guess i could always talk to him abou-       What the fuck is a squirrel doing in my room?

I grab my pillow and start swinging it about, trying to get it out of the bloody house. It darts onto my bed, and just as i'm about to smack it one into the wall... It starts squeaking and leaps out back onto the roof.

Stupid... I must have left the window open last night.

Just as i'm about to shut it and have a great Saturday off school, i see a person lead on my roof.   Curled into a tiny ball, snoring lightly.

"Derek?" I whisper. But getting no response, i shake him lightly. "Oh, Deeerreekk?" I try again and he rolls over, down the tiles, and yells awake as he grabs onto the gutter to stop himself from falling.

"Jesus! Stiles.   Erm, sorry." He huffs, pulling himself back up.

"It's fine.... Sourwolf." I laugh and he gives me a short glare.

"What did you just call me?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

I shrug and shake my head.  "Nooothing.   What are you doing on my roof?" I ask.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe, after last night.  And i was also hoping i could explain and talk to you about everything.." He mumbles quickly and i nod, moving to the side so he can slip into my room.

He sits down on my bed, which is messy, so i climb back in and wrap up in the covers.

"Mmm." I hum and he nods his head.

"Wel-" He starts but my door swings open and my dad struts in, tying his tie.

"Well, kiddo. Your old man's off to wor-      Who's this?" He asks after he finally looks up.

"This is Derek. He goes to my school and we're just chilling dad."

"Do i know you boy?" My dad  asks and Derek furiously shakes his head. "Son, before i go, i just wanted to say, that you cannot use the telly, because he signals being funny. I'll sort it after school... Love you."   My dad nods and waves goodbye as he sets off to work.

"Love you too."

I look back at Derek for him to continue and he shuffles some before clearing his throat and carrying on. "The signals  my fault, my jacket is kind of on the ariel." He smiles innocently and i shrug.

"Right explain..." I blink and he chuckles some before continuing.

"Right.   I'm a born werewolf.   So basically, what you saw yesterday, is it. nothing more. Nothing less.   Peter's the same as me, but because he's older, he's stronger and has more experience... I just have better tactics.   And Scott is just an omega, because he doesn't really want a pack right now."

"Scott too?!  What?  How?"   I ask, flailing my arms in the air and Derek widens his eyes.

"Oh. He didn't tell you?" He shrugs.  "Peter bit him, he told you about it at school but you said there weren't wolves in Beacon Hills." He smirks and i fake a laugh and hit his arm as i climb out of bed.

"Oh ha. Ha. Ha...        Anyway. Since you thought it appropriate to sleep on my roof, i think it only fair that you stay for breakfast?" I smile, making my way to my door and turning around.

"Y-Yeah, erm, yeah thanks... Is it cool if i quickly use your shower?" He blushes and i nod as i turn and walk down through into the kitchen.

Now what should i do...?

subtle?   You know, ceriel and coffee?...

Or more, impressive.. English breakfast with coffee and cream?...

Impressive Breakfast it is.  I smile to myself as i walk and get out everything i need and set it out along the counter.

I mean... I think i'm pretty decent at cooking. My mum had this massive cook book, and after she died, i learnt it all, exactly how she used to do it, and it's the most expressive thing to remember her by.

I finish it off by slipping the last rashers of bacon form the pan onto the plate and set it down along with the coffee on the table and sigh as i realise, Derek still isn't down yet.

Maybe i should go up and tell him?...

I walk up the stairs and walk up to my door, giving it a strong knock.

"Derek?!" I call but i get no answer so i sigh and try again. "Derek?!" I shout and after not answering me again, i decide to go in and see if he's still in the shower and call and tell him the foods out.

I push open the door and gasp and freeze in place as Derek is stood naked with some headphones in and drying his hair.

Oh. My. GOD!

I can't move.  I just stand there staring like a lifeless idiot!

Derek stops drying his hair and hums to the tune of the song he's listening to, when he stops and sees me dazed in the doorway.

"Oh god. Erm. Hey Stiles. Sorry i took so long. I, er, erm.     I, er...." He blushes pulling his headphones out and pulling a towel up to his waist.

"No. No. Erm. I just wanted to tell you breakfast was ready." I say, still staring at him and his amazingly toned body.

"Thanks.   Er, i'll be down in one second." He says blushing harder and harder by the second.   

I stumble out of the room, and run downstairs, sitting at the table and steadying my heart.

Can things get any worse?

I'm such a bitch. I haven't updated this one in ages.   I'm so sorry.  I had some slight writers block on how i should play this one out, but i think it went pretty well, and i like how it fitted in. 

So sorry once again and i shall update for you tomoz xxx

Remember, vote, comment, blah, blah, blah.... Love y'all xxx

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