Fuck school

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Derek's POV:

I hear a noise coming from downstairs, so i groan and feel beside me to realise Stiles isn't there. I sigh and look at the clock to see we've only been asleep for a couple of hours, and that it's only one in the morning. I get a gut feeling and look outside to see the full moon beating down through the window and fly towards the smell of Stiles.

I jump down the last remaining Stairs and skid into the kitchen to see Stiles wolfed out and not looking happy.

Shit, is a word that comes to mind...

He sniffs the air, growling and looking over in my direction, a growl ripping from his throat as he turns.

"S-Stiles it's the full m-moon. I had no idea." I stutter, trying to stay calm, but he lets out a fierce snap of his teeth, and leaps towards me, knocking us to the floor. "Stiles, you need to find an anchor!" I huff, but he snaps at my neck.

I push him off me, but he jumps back onto me, biting my arm tightly.

I yell and stammer backwards, tripping over and landing on my ass. He crouches down and glares into my eyes.

"Find. An. Anchor." I say breathlessly, and he cocks his head to the side confused, before taking a knife from the kitchen side, and twiddling it in his fingers, smirking back to me. "Fuck it, this is gonna hurt like a mother fucker." I sigh, pushing up, and kissing Stiles quickly.

He stabs the knife through me, but the second he kisses back, his grip loosens and he slowly turns back human.

The second he moves back he looks down to my stomach to see the blade sticking out and i smile, seeing blotches in my vision.

"Derek! Oh my god! I am so sorry, i didn't know what i was doing!" He cries falling to my side but i chuckle and shake my head.

"Babe, i did it on purpose. i'll be fine. Just pull i out and it'll heal." I smile, but he shakes his head and stares at the handle in horror. "On the count of three...." He nods and wraps his thin fingers around the handle, taking in a deep breath. "1.....2.... 3!"

He sucks in and holds his breath as i fall to my side unconscious.

Stiles' POV:

I could see and acknowledge what was happening, but i had no control over it.

I could hear Derek telling me to find an anchor and i did.

But i kinda stabbed him, i momentarily forgot we're werewolves, and that we can heal, but he's currently unconscious.

I sigh and reach out to touch Derek's hair and as i do so, a silver light shimmers across my pail skin and i look up and out of the window to see the moon.


I smile as i watch his mark heal across his stomach and carry him back to bed, seeing it's only half one. I scoot under the covers, and wrap myself around Derek, closing m eyes after a moment and fall asleep, listening to his heartbeat.

'Beep!' 'Beep!' 'Beep!' 'Beep!' I groan and smack the alarm clock, signalling that it's seven AM.

I roll over away and face Derek, remembering what happened only hours before, stretching over him and hitting him in the face with a smug smile across my face.

"I can sense you smiling. Stop." He mumbles with his face in the pillow, and i instantly frown, hitting his back.

"Mean." I huff, stretching again, so he mumbles again, rolling over to face me and... "Damn."

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