Introducing Hale..

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"Well, your up nice and early nephew."

I look up and glare at the man who is my uncle.

"I always wake up early. It shouldn't be surprising." I say, turning a page in my book and I can sense him giving me an eye roll.

"Well, that's good because your going to school today." He chirps and I slam my book closed and glare up at him...

"What?!" I ask standing up and throwing my book onto the settee.   "We only got here yesterday, and your already throwing me into a new school!"

"Of course, just because your a werewolf doesn't mean you can't go to school, and your not saying no.   Because I've already signed this..."  He smirks and holds a yellow document in my face. I growl and snatch it from his hands. "And before you get any ideas of ripping it... That's a photocopy. I'm not telling you where the original is." He chuckles and I growl louder as I read through and see my assigned timetable.

A.P. Biology

What the fuck is lacrosse?!

"Seriously... Biology.... Chemistry?" I sigh and Peter laughs harder.

"Such a change from England isn't it." He smiles and I hand him back the paper as he jingles my car keys in front of my face. "Chop, chop... You don't want to be late on your first day Derek." He gives me a wicked smile and I glare as I rip them from his grasp and slam the door on my out.

I hate biology! Hate it! Well I guess I could skive and go for a drink? .... Yeah.

I roll my eyes once more as I pull away from our loft and drive down the street, coming to an intersection. I wait as a few cars drive past and I turn right and follow the signs to the school. I choose to take a residential road.

I hate school. I wish we never had to leave. I had a house, a family... Friends. And because of Kate, fucking killing my family... Peter forced us to move away and start a new life.

Out of the country and start somewhere new... And out of all the places he could have chosen from, he chose Beacon Hills. A small, crappy town where the population is what?... 500 at most. It's pathet-

I snap from my thoughts as a blue jeep tries to pull out and I swerve to avoid hitting it. I blink and try to catch my breath as I straighten out and try and get away as quickly as possible.

"JACKASS!" I hear behind me and I chuckle as I speed off.

I pull up to school, and as I step out of my Comero, everyone stops and stares at me as I wink at a bunch of girls and they squeal and scream at one another. I walk up the path as people continue to stare and walk through to the door that says 'office' on a wooden plaque.

"Wow..... Erm, how can I help you tall and gorgeous?" A young brunette asks from behind the counter and I wink as I rest on one arm and lean over.

"I'm new, and i was informed to come and see the principle." I smile and she blushes and gestures towards the seats.

"Please, sit down, he'll be in school shortly mr.....?" She asks sweetly as I take a seat.

"Hale. Derek Hale."

I look out the window as people meet and hug and practice cheerleading on the field. I see a bunch of lads with huge netted sticks, throwing a ball to and fro, until something familiar catches my eye.

I avert my attention to the car park and see the blue jeep I swerved around and watch as it parks up and two boys jump out.

One who has slightly tanned skin, and dark brown hair. Slanted like jaw and a smart look about him.

The other one... Tall, skinny. Light brown hair with cute little moles littering his pale skin tone. Cute. I laugh at his style of his cloths and watch as they walk up the steps but the pale boy slams his arm out causing his friend to stumble to a stop.

"That's the jerk, who nearly hit us!" I listen in and hear him snap.

I chuckle and shake my head as his friend shrugs and says something and Stiles stops to wave at a small red head, who walks past him and ignores him completely.

She walks in the door and high fives her friend. "Why won't you talk to him again?, he's kind of cute." Her mate says and I smile and absentmindedly nod in agreement.

"Cute... Cute!   Are you serious?!    He's like the biggest nerd ever.  I mean look at him.   He has no dress sense, and he hangs around with losers... Just like himself. Get with it Erica. Ew." She flips her red hair over her shoulder with her manicured nails and I growl and turn my attention back to the boy.

"Your the course of this you know..." He smirks and his friend raises his eyebrows and stares at his friend as he pulls him into him and continues walking to the door.

"The cause of what?!"

"You, dragging me into your nerd depths." I chuckle and watch as they laugh and walk through the doors out of sight.

"The principle will see you now Mr. Hale..." The brunette calls and I thank her as I walk in and take a seat in front of him.

"Welcome to Beacon Hills High School... Things might be a little different here than your previous school in England. But I'm sure the rules remain the exact same. No bullying. No smoking in premises. No foul language. And get good grades. If any of these are broken, you will not be able to participate in many activities such as lacrosse, or prom." He explains and I nod.

"I will work my best sir, and will not break any promises." I smile and he narrows his eyes as he takes a sip from his tea.

"I very well hope so, I have seen your old grades Hale, and they were not good what so ever. I hope you get an attitude adjustment. And please, enjoy your first day." He smiles as we stand up and he walks me over to the door.

"Thank you sir." I smile as he nods and closes the door behind me.

May the shit fest begin...

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