Not according to plan...

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Derek's POV:

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" I scream as he drops Stiles' bloodied body to the floor.  I start to run over but he laughs and holds his foot over Stiles, telling me to stop, so i do so and growl towards him.

"You left, poor Stiles all alone.  I knew where you were, so being the stupid, gullible boy he is, said he'd do 'anything' to get you back.  He left before i could tell him the rules. And now he's back, I've collected my end of the bargain... He's mine." He smirks, and i get a sick feeling run through my gut.

"You son of a bitch. You could of had anything else.  Why?  Why bite him?!" I snarl and he shakes his head looking down to Stiles.

"Why would i chose anything else? It was the best opportunity.  All because he loves you.  He loves you and you left." He smiles.

"I'm back now!" I spit.

"And look where that got Stiles here." He laughs. My patience snaps and i lash out towards Peter but stop in my tracks when he actually places his foot down on Stiles' neck.  "Any closer, i'll just snap his neck." He shrugs so i stand still as tears fall loose across my face.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly.

"I need a pack. I need strength.  Stiles was just an easy target." He shrugs, places his foot down harder.

"STOP!  I'M NOT COMING ANY CLOSER! PLEASE LET GO!" I sob, falling to my knees, and he laughs.

"I'm just fucking with you Derek." He smiles, letting go with his foot and walking out.  "He's all yours. For now.  I'll be back soon, don't you worry." He gives me a short wink before disappearing so i rush over to Stiles bloody, unconscious and cradle him in my arms.

"Please, don't die Stiles.  I love you, you can't die. Stay with me, please Stiles." I cry over his body.

After about half an hour, i stop crying and sniffle as i smell his hair and take in his scent.  The bite healed, so he's officially a werewolf. He isn't dead. 

His body shuffles beneath mine, so i move and grab his face in my hands.

"Stiles? Baby?" I whisper.

He shuffles some more, before his eyes shoot open, a piercing orange staring into my own.

"Derek?" He mumbles, sitting up.  "What happened?... The last thing i remember it Pet-     Peter bit me... And i'm alive, so that means..." He starts crying and tries to stand up, so i stand up too.

"Stiles calm down..." I say, going to grab his hand, but he widens his eyes and backs away to the wall.

"What am i?  Tell me i'm normal human Stiles..." He cries.


"TELL ME!" He screams.

"Your not human Stiles. Your a werewolf." I whisper looking into his orange eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no." He mumbles, stumbling to the mirror and staring at his reflection. "It's a dream.    Tell me it's at least a dream.   Der, i don't want this. I never wanted this." He chokes and i look to the floor.

"It's not a dream." I whisper.   I hear the door smash against the wall and i look up to see Stiles gone, and the door wide open. "Stiles?!" I shout, but he's gone.

I rip my phone from and call his number, but i get no answer. I scroll through my contacts and call the only person who i know can help.

"SCOTT?!" I shout when he answers.

"Oh hey Derek... You back in Beacon Hills yet?" He chirps.

"Yes!   I need your help. Stiles got bit!" 

"Bit by what?!" He growls.

"P-Peter." I stutter. "He's fine, he's alive... But he ran off."

"What? Where?" He asks, sounding like he's going outside.

"I'm not sure, can you help me find him please?" I cry.

"Sure thing bud... Meet me at the preserve in five.  That's the most likely place his wolf instincts have told him to go."

The phone hangs up, so i grab my jacket and run out the door, wolfing out and sprinting to the preserve.

By the time i get there, Scott's wolfed out and ready to go so, he nods for me to go one way whilst he goes the other so i nod and sprint off in that direction.

I pick up a faint scent so i follow after is as fast as i can, i run around the lake and suddenly the scent disappears, i stop and turn around in a circle trying to pick it back up again.

I sniff around but can't find any hint... So i growl and turn to head to a different place.  Just as i'm about to run off somewhere else, i hear Scott howl in the distance so in less than a second without hesitation, i head off to his direction.

I run into the clearing to see Scott in human form, so i stop and look next to him to see an upset, whimpering brown wolf.

I stay in wolf form and slowly walk over to Stiles, pushing my head under his, so he looks up with his large, bright eyes.

I turn back human, and place my hand over his paw.

"I know you didn't want this. But me and Scott are here to help you.  You won't be alone. You won't get hurt." I say, and he nods his head, shifting back to normal before wrapping his arms around me and pushing his face into my neck.

I look over to Scott and mouth a thank you, so he nods and walks back home.

"If you need anything, call me." He says, and i nod in return, turning back to Stiles.

"Stiles?... Come on..." I say, trying to get him up, but he groans and pushes his face further into my neck.    I chuckle some and shake my head, standing up and picking him up via his legs and lower back.

I take him back to his, but his dad isn't home, so i place him down om his bed, and slip some pyjamas on him.   I kiss him softly on the neck and go to leave him to rest, but he grabs my arm and pulls me onto the bed.

"Mmm, stay..." He mumbles, pulling the quilt over us, so i smile and spoon him from behind. "Derek?" He whispers.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Does this mean,i have to be in Peter's pack?" He asks, fear visible in his voice, so i tighten my grip around him.

"I'll kill him before that happens." I snap softly, so he hums happily, and takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips to kiss softly.

"Have i told you i love you." He smiles, so i reach around and kiss his cheek.

"Have i ever told you i love you too?" I smile back, and he yawns before pressing back into me and falling asleep.


But, i am doing more stories after. x

So make sure you stay tuned for more lovelies x


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