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"Cobra!" The crowd chanted before clapping their hands vehemently.

Adrianna felt nothing for them, she felt nothing for Caelen. She knew what the outcome would be.

They circled around each other, each anticipating the other's next move. But it seemed that Cobra's senses had failed him when Dragon raised his baseball bat and jabbed it into his gut, making him drop to the floor like a mere puppet.

Their cheers quickly morphed to those in support of Dragon. He grinned evilly, his eyes meeting Adrianna's as if to say, 'I took another away from you.'

Caelen didn't make a single move to get up, his cheek grazed the floor as his lip bled. He raised his eyes to meet Adrianna's, beckoning her to him.

She didn't hesitate for one second and sprinted towards him, kneeling beside him as she'd done two nights before.

"Caelen." She whispered, tears threatening her blue eyes.

She placed his head in her lap and stroked his hair softly.

"Adrianna." He said her name, raising his tattered fingers to graze her cheek. "Xander is going to stab me."

Her throat closed up and she couldn't answer, so she simply broke down, her tears falling onto his darkened face.

"You can't watch." He whispered, as she held his hand at her cheek "Leave."

He said those last words just as she was ripped away from him and pushed backwards as a gang of men surrounded him.

Armino (Previously: Fighter) (✓)Where stories live. Discover now