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Taeyeon had decided it was a good idea to finally tell her parents everything that was going on

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Taeyeon had decided it was a good idea to finally tell her parents everything that was going on. She knew that they both knew something was coming but they didn't know her role. They didn't know her visions had become more frequent and honestly it was relief. Part of her hated the fact that they kept hovering but she knew it was for her own safety. She had also considered talking to her birth mother but knew now wasn't the time.

She made her way to the office to hand in her slip. "How was your day sweetheart?" Asked the old receptionist, who was too perky for Taeyeon's liking.

The little brunette smiled, "It was fine.  Everyone was nice and I made some new friends." Part of her was relieved that she had made some new friends but was afraid of what was to come.

The receptionist smiled, "That's good. Have a nice evening, sweetie." Taeyeon sent the receptionist a comforting smile and left the office making her way to her car. As she opened the car door, someone slammed it shut.

"It's not nice to leave without saying goodbye," Emmett stated.

Taeyeon smiled, turning to face him, "Sorry. Kind of lost in my own thoughts. Kinda hard to concentrate when the universe wants you to help restore the balance."

Emmett couldn't help but admire the brunette in front of him. To him she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on and she was his breath of fresh air. He couldn't help but caress her cheekbone, needing to feel her as close as possible, "You have nothing to be sorry for. I get it. It must be hard to have the whole world on your shoulders and have no idea what to do with it. I'm here if you need me."

Taeyeon knew Emmett wasn't all everyone made him out to be. He may be childish but he was understanding, something no one ever gave him credit for. He may not be the brightest but he knew more than he let on.

He always considered others and made sure to consider his family when making a decision. The universe couldn't have paired her up with a better man. She honestly needed some more fun in her life.

"Thank you. It's nice to know I have someone to talk to if needed." She really was grateful for an additional shoulder to cry on, not that she didn't have anyone. Sometimes the same people can get frustrating and a new person to vent to, wouldn't hurt.

He smiled, "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tomorrow night?" Anyone would have mistaken Emmett for being calm but she knew he was nervous, not that he had any reason to be.

"I would love to."

He grinned, "Great. I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night."

Taeyeon couldn't help but giggle at his excitement, "Sounds good. I'll text you my address. I should get going."

Emmett frowned slightly, "Got anywhere you need to be?"

"As a matter of fact I do. Family dinner and I'm suppose to be cooking tonight so I have to go grocery shopping since I completely forgot to do it yesterday."

"Oh okay. I'll see you later then."

Taeyeon grinned, "Definitely."

LITTLE LAMB | EMMETT CULLEN [1]Where stories live. Discover now