Chapter 5 : The fight

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Shade was laying on his bed with Velvet laying on top of him in a cute way as she hummed a small tune. Carefully and without waking her he slipped a few pillows under her to replace him and he went to the kitchen to make some waffles to which he added chocolate sauce(And here you all thought something saucy would happen. Shame on you get your heads out of the gutter. Oh and for the waffles and sauce imagine eating freshly made Belgian waffles with Belgian chocolate sauce.) By the time he had finished Velvet was just waking up and getting dressed to the smell of the best waffles she had ever smelled. As she finished getting dressed she hear a yelp then saw her favourite wolf walk around the corner. She saw that his naturally white tail now had strips of red.

"What happened to you?" Velvet asked in a very worried tone of voice.

"Well if i told you a knife fell of the side and cut a small portion of my tail what would happen?" Shade questioned in response.

"Well lets get your tail clean first then I can tell you how I would respond ok?" Velvet responded with yet another question.

"Sure" Shade replied with yet another wait no without a question at last. So after a half hour struggle of getting Shades tail washed Velvet finally had chance to sit and eat her breakfast change her clothes thanks to Shade and his bloody tail and seeing that it was midday decided to tell Shade what she was going to do to him for cutting his tail in the way he did and to have a go at him for not waking her sooner. However when she walked in to there room again she found him sat their looking at a pendant. Velvet quickly checked her calendar and realised why he was so clumsy and stubborn today. Today was October 3rd and the day Shade lost his family to some girl called Cinder but he never spoke about it instead he just chose to stay in their bed for the day until Velvet was starting to get concerned. He just wasn't eating anything she placed before him. He looked up. He looked happy for once. Velvet had met shade three years ago on October 3rd and had never seen him look happy on those days before. So why be happy now.
"Why are you looking so happy today?" Velvet inquired.
"Well you know what today is but its different now instead of knowing only loss I now have a child and the most beautiful woman a guy could ask for." Shade replied much to his girlfriends surprise. So his happiness is because of her. Hearing these words the rabbit faunus chose to slowly take a seat next to him and rest her head on his shoulder.
"Didn't we agree to meet Ruby and the others in the cafeteria?" Shade asked.
"I completly forgot we need to be there in like five minutes." Velvet said whilst scrambling to the door in shades arms. He was carrying her bridal style but seen as they live in a hut in a forest they would be late. If it weren't for Shade and his semblance which makes the trip loke three minutes instead of half an hour. Once at the doors Shade chose to close his wings but left them as they were looking like an angel that had dyed its wings pink. He sat at the same table as White rose, Bumblebee, Arkhos, and flower power. Yes they are calling each other by little nicknames made to describe the couples. Anyway once they sat down all eyes went to Shade bar Nora and Ruby who where eating either cookies or pancakes.
"So red velvet what happened. You realise the red part was a joke right." They said looking to Shade's tail which once again had highlights of red from the bleeding.
"Well lets just say I had an accident whilst making breakfast for a certain rabbit." Shade said with a sarcastic tone behind the rabbit part.
"Nora for the lo e of all that is good holly and as cute as Blake I will end you." Yang shouted as a pie came flying at her face graciously thrown by Nora. (By now you are probably wondering when this is set lets just say the food fight in volume 2 has already happened and since Phyrra is still alive it is before volume 3 so just imagine a second food fight.) At the words Blake blushed whilst Ruby, Weiss, Jaune, Phyrra, Ren, Shade, and Velvet hid behind tables that that they had flipped knowing what was about to happen between Nora and Yang. Things started with Yang grabbing two turkeys ( yes they go down this route again) and started punching at Nora who was trying to get the others to help. Behind the tables Ruby and Wiess where plotting an attack strategy on team JNPR or at least that is what it looked like. Blake was creating shadow clones as Nora started throwing apples, melons and just anything she could really. That was until Blake was borrd of dodging and found a roll of sausages and used them as a whip to knock Nora back. Who was caught by ren who just kinda appeared out of nowhere all ninja style. Ruby and Weiss jumped from behind their table Wiess picked up a swordfish whilst Ruby picked up a convininetly bent pole that resembled a scythe. The pair charged without any hesitation with Wiess thrusting forward causing Ren to lose his balance whilst Ruby used the rounded edge of the pole to backhand them away. Nora being Nora picked up a straight pole and attached the only whole melon left to the end to act as a hammer and struck Ruby in the face sending her into a concrete pillar that was 5 feet wide and 7 foot thick. Yes she went through the pillar and got up as if nothing happened. She later fell as Wiess flew into her face lips first. They flew ... a good ten feet before hitting he floor with a rather cartoon like badoing sound(don't ask why it sounds like that it just does). However, this time they where both unconscious snd all you can see from Nora is a little fist pump celebration. Seeing this may have annoyed Yang as she leaps across the room in a single bound only to be met with a baguette to the face from a surprisingly stealthy  Jaune. By this point Shade was feeling a little left out so spread those wings of his and flew so fast into the fight he may as well have called superman to fly for him. He was nearly meet with several cans of soda and a few watermelons (want to watch some vines now) but with shear speed and a collosull amount of luck avoided every attempted attack. He picked up thepole ruby was using and flew to each person and snacked them in the back of the head. This effectively knocked them all out and just before anyone could say otherwise threw Nora as high as she had smacked Yang early that same year in a similar situation. When Goodwitch walked in and Shade was hidding above everything thanks to his wings he avoided the rant she gave the others who heard nothing thanks to Shade.

So hiw was it? To much or nit enough? Thanjs for any votes that I get and should hopefully update sooner than last time. Oh and I want your thoughts on whether I should do a post apocalyptic England type of book other than that make requests and I will get round to them eventually. All lemon requests are ti be received over  private messages fir the privacy of those who ask. Thanks again. Author man has left the building

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