Chapter 8: The flame of anger

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It had been a week since Shade had spoke about his semblance to anyone and he was busy working on expanding his hu... well I cant say hut because he has been working hard to make it more of a wooden mansion than anything. He has even gone to the lengths of clearing a space for a garage for when Velvet can go and grab her car. Anyway whilst slaving away he feels his scroll vibrate and decides to look at the message. As he read the message he stopped working all together slowly having anger well inside of him. The message was from Ruby and said.
" Hey Shade hope the construction work is going well me and the others will be there to help soon. Oh and just so you know the students have started arriving and I believe there is one you will want to avoid. She looks pretty but not like Weiss I mean a mediocre pretty and her name is Cinder Fall." Seeing that name caused Shade's eyes to gleam with anger as if a fire had been started in his heart only it burned with rage. His mind raced as the thoughts of his parents death surged through his mind. He was too angry to reply and instead decided he would go and chop down some trees for wood with his bare hands...OK well maybe his semblance was going to be used but it was only fora small axe so that he would be able to chop them down but it would take a long time which he needed at this point. The only problem for him is that he was stopped from leaving to do so as his worst fear had come to light as he spotted Grimm charging towards the house. Seeing this he thought it was the perfect opportunity to vent some of his anger but this time without his semblance. The Grimm totalled at five all of which were Ursa majors which was going to be a problem when his semblance was running on empty. He drew wolfish grin in its axe form (see image below)

After having drew them he decided he would place his trench coat and mask on and change wolfish grin into there katana form ( see below for katana forms hilt his trench coat and his mask)

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After having drew them he decided he would place his trench coat and mask on and change wolfish grin into there katana form ( see below for katana forms hilt his trench coat and his mask)

After having drew them he decided he would place his trench coat and mask on and change wolfish grin into there katana form ( see below for katana forms hilt his trench coat and his mask)

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Having done this he charged at the closest Grimm and tried to cleave its head clean off but it dodged with fernominal speed which may have rivaled Ruby

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Having done this he charged at the closest Grimm and tried to cleave its head clean off but it dodged with fernominal speed which may have rivaled Ruby. However once Shade regained his stance he realised that the Ursa was not attacking but instead a small boy stood with a hand raised as if controling the Grimm. Shade shook his head swearing he had seen the boy before and then realised that it was Yao Ming Xiao Long. Having seen this Shade pocked his head around the Grimm to see Yao' parents Yang and Blake followed by the ever energetic Ruby and her calmer half Weiss but no Lucy. Alright so for once Shade is speechless but if you saw enough grimm and knew there power you would understand his sheer lack of intellectual comprehension of this situation. Seeing that he had made the larger wolf confused Yao released the grimm from his control but they did not charge as Shade was hoping but instead just evaporated. Even though Shade did not get to beat the living day lights out of something he was happy he could collect some more dust. Shade removed his top half of clothing too reveal that his arms both had pink tattoos.
" Ok im gonna enter the tournament with my team!" Shade roared... well howled too no one in particular he just released the words for the sake of it.
Oh and I forgot to ask yoy Yao have you been having a yangtastic time with your new mothers?" Shade asked the small boy and teased his mothers at the same time.
"Did you just use the pun ive been saving for the past three years in my son?" Yang asked knowing full well the answer but she was planning a pun.
Yes Yang I did. It was a real Yanger wasn't it?" Shade laughed as he knew he stole another one of her puns.
" ok you started this and ended this with a Yang" Yang replied feeling prideful that she tricked him so that she could end on that note. Anyway moving on Shade chose to replwce his clothes and walked back to hus construction site to hopefully with the new help finish the mansion of wood tonight.

As Shade choped down a couple trees with his axe he noticed everone had gone. He got a message on his scroll saying how everyone including velvet and his daughter had gone for a giant sleep over. After reading this message Shade realised he was not alone and that he recognised the evil glow of orange as Cinder Fall or the one who killed his parents. He removed wolfish grin (axe form) from his waist and charged her.
"You know you should just roll over and die like the obidient little animal you are." Cinder hissed with venom. Seeing this made our good friend get a little angry and formed some armoured plating with his semblance and placed the rest of his dust into his eyes so that they glowed pink. Seeing this cinder shot three fireballs in close succession to try and stop the faunus from attacking hoping his plating was close enough to overheat him. Instead of hitting his armour shade threw one of his axes through the attacks hoping to strike Cinder. However, Cinder saw this and formed her glass swords and parried against the thrown axe and charged at the now under armed wolf. Shade knew what she was hoping to do so he shifted the last piece of wolfish grin to it gun form and began shoting lightning dust rounds until he could remember a weapon or something to form. His plan worked better than expected as Cinder had to stop and try and block rounds that were traveling like lightning. Shade remembered as his only magazine had emptied about the wings he loves to use so having dispersed his armour his eyes lost the glow and were back to normal as shade created two giant angel wings and flew straight up knowing that now he had done this he had the advantage. He would have began charging at that thing called Cinder but found she had ran off so seeing as his wings were their and they are the biggest he has ever formed before he thought of finding the loves if his life. This was also to test how fast he can go with these he went and picked up the other half of wolfish grin and crouched like neo in the matrix and shot of into the sky. Having done this he changed directiom for where he knew Yang and Blake were moving into a small cottage atop of a hill near patch. Yang thought it would be a good idea to show her son where she grew up. So having arrived at Yang's dads house he slowly flew over to the small cottage to find only Blake their.
"Hey Blake where is the other two of your family?" Shade inquired as he was really confused to see Blake without Yang.
"Oh she said something about helping Yao train with his aura and semblance with her Taiyangs help" Blake replied. Having heard this shade asked where they were and found they were at Taiyangs place where Shade had just slowly flew from. So he waved good by crouched to the floor and shot straight up like a firework on the 4th of july. It took him no time at all to reach Yang and he saw that all the others were with them including Velvet and Crystal. Shade sighed with relief as Cinder had not gotten to his family. He landed on the roof and sat thier until someone would notice him.

Hi guys your good friend hakoro here with another chapter sorry for a slower update than I said but school. Anyway I will be seeing all of you sweet sons of guns next time. Oh and im thinking of doing a RWBY meets halo book so if you guys assemble a spartan team of 4 then that would be fun or would you prefer I make the team.

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