Chapter 14 : A much needed talk

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Shade was sat in his mansion with Velvet, Crystal, Lilliana and Cardin all with a rather serious face on.
"So you say your my brother.... how?"Lilliana asked in disbelief.
"Well miss Delorenthia I do believe you have no recollection of your true family do you?" Shade inquired within his reply.
"What do you mean?" Lilliana asked.
"Call your 'family' and ask as to where they got you then it will make sense" Shade replied calmly.
"OK " Lilliana replied whilst pulling her scroll from her pocket. She found the number of her father and called it. After a few rings a man whose voice was quite gruff and aggressive answered.
"Lilliana is do not have time to help with school work so stop calling me" her 'father' said.
"That's not why I called dad" Lilliana replied slightly annoyed.
"Oh well what is it dear?" Mr. Delorenthia asked.
"Where did you get me?" Lilliana asked.
"Huh well I suppose it was only a matter of time before you learnt the truth. Me and your mother could not have children naturally so we went into adoptions and well the Red family had you up for adoption. You must understand they did this because they could not care for two children easily the other being your only living relative left since their untimely murder. I believe his name was Shade Ming Red wolf faunus pleasant chap. Anyway there is the truth and I think Shade is at beacon with you." Mr. Delorenthia said.
"I'm right here sir" Shade said after lilliana put the scroll on speaker.
"Ahh Shade wonderful to hear your doing well my boy so I'm guessing you told her to call me. I knew you would eventually. Oh and how is Velvet... it was Velvet you were with last I saw you right?" Mr. Delorenthia asked.
" I am fine sir thankyou for asking and our daughter is as healthy as can be." Velvet replied.
"Daughter?! Shade you have been a busy boy haven't you. I must apologise but I have a meeting to go to and lilly I understand if you revoke your claim to the company. Bye" John Delorenthia said before hanging up.
"So say hello to your new niece." Shade and Velvet said in unison.
" I'm an aunt at such a young age. Now that title is gonna take some getting used too. Still I'm a Red not a Delorenthia this is weird. Oh and hello...?" Lilliana said but did not know her nieces name.
"Crystal" Velvet said supporting the new family member.
"Well their is one other weird piece of news still. I'm in a team with are parents murderer. However they are quite helpfull now." Shade said.
"Your in a team with who now!?" Lilly replied.

"Now before i call that half of my team over understand she had no options other than death at this point. However, a brief fight with me showed her she had no chance of winning on HER side." Shade said defending Cinder.

"So she worked for Salem but after facing you gave up her previous job of evil henchmen. Call her over i want to meet her and the others that she hired." Lilliana asked quite calmly

"Ok. *pulls out scroll and calls Cinder* Hey Cinder. Look I know your busy with something. Did Mercury just mention the Kitten killer 9000? I told you to get rid of that. Anyway i need you and the other three too come to my house in trhe woods. Yes you, Neo, Emerald and Mercury. See you soon. No I am not single and dont plan on being single for life." Shade said hanging up the call

Meanwhile with Cinder.

Cinder was going about updating some story she had been putting on some website were if they like it thye vote for it or something like that. Anyway she had just finished updating when her scroll went off. it was Shade so Cinder being Cinder answered with a little too much happiness.

"Ahh Shade what a surprise you never call." Cinder said before Mercury burst in.

"Right where did you say to put the Kitten Killer 9000 I forgot." Mercury said.

"What no he was on about the blueprints to that weapon we binned the actual thing just as you said. anyway you need me and the other three to come over now. As in me, Neo, Emerald and Mercury. Ok Ok no need to get angry about it we will be their soon Mercury just finished the bikes. Oh and are you single yet because if you are i'm still available. Oh ok bye." Cinder said and soon put her scroll down as Shade had hung up.

"Ok everyone get ready to go we need to be at Shades house yesterday" Cinder demanded.

"Ok ill get the bikes fueled on the double." Mercury said racing out of the room to put his own mix into the tanks.

Back with Shade.

Shade was now enjoying cooking for the previous bully of beacon his wife and his sister. He also made some for the four that would arrive in about three hours if they were on motor bikes like Yangs. Little did he know Mercury had basically built miniture rockets and put wheels on it to call it a bike. anyway he had just finished all the pancakes when a knock came at the door.  After putting all the plates in their respective spots Shade opened the door to Cinder hugging him to the floor and neo prying her off.

"Well Cinder its time you met the only other Red that you failed to kill. My sister Lilliana." Shade said proud of the fact she failed.

"Oh well hello. I understand if you would hate me for all that i have done to you. I'm sure the handsome hunk of a brother you have tried to defend me but i did what i did and nothing can change that. Well is that Crystal. Oh she is just adorable. Sorry lost track their for a second. So yh i fought your brother had no chance and converted to the good guys. Oh and Shade we burnt the blueprints to the Kitten Killer 9000." Cinder said

"I forgive you. i understand you had no other options so no problem." Lilliana said sympathetically.

"Well I did not exactly get rid of the Kitten Killer 9000. I renamed it the Salem annihilation device but we did burn the blueprints." Mercury said.

They said their goodbyes and Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and Neopolitan then raced off on their rocket propelled bikes. Crystal fell asleep in Lillianas arms whilst Cardin went to the kitchen to cook a chicken korma. Shade and Velvet held each other in a loving embrace and knew that the rest of their lives would be great.

Ok well that happened. This is the last chapter of this piece of work. As always if you want me too continue with a new book. Also any request are welcome. And I'll see all you sons of guns next time.

And on that bombshell goodnight

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