Chapter 11: Qrow's explination

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So we bring you to the halls of beacon where Qrow Branwen had been asked to teach at beacon for a little bit. He had also been asked by his niece to explain his semblance. However instead of that he chose it would be a good idea to explain his old team.
"So you all want to know about me and my semblance however I think you would all prefer to hear of my old team. Even if you don't want to know I will still tell you about it." Qrow said knowing all to well how disappointed some of these students would be.
"But uncle why won't you tell us about your semblance I mean it has to be something awesome since it is you I mean come on." Ruby shouted defiantly then sat down very quickly after looking to see all eyes were on her.
"*sighs* Fine I'll tell you but it is not a pretty story. I was young and me and my sister Raven were playing out in a field like we always used to. We were going to the same tree on the same hill but instead of the usual reach the tree climb it and have fun we found a grimm. That's when it happened the grimm ran and caught my sister but not me and I was closer to it. My semblance allows me to turn into a crow but did you know what crows represent? They represent bad luck and my semblance makes me a walking bad luck charm to everything around me. But anyway about my team. You had Taiyang Xiao Long father of two of the huntress's here today." Qrow said before a loud chanting noise from the two sisters Yang and Ruby only to be silenced by a very familiar green arrow.
"Took your time kids. Everyone you already know team RNBS but their here to keep you quiet. Anyway as I was saying you then had Summer Rose who was quiet the character and family to me and the two chanting hooligans over their. You then had my sister Raven Branwen/Xiao Long but I have no clue whether she kept the family name or changed it but she is the mother of the blonde brawler you are all looking scared of." Qrow said signaling for Shade to throw an axe which narrowly avoided Yang only to cause a separate problem all together. One of Yang's hairs fell to the floor.
"Right all students run away from her now." Qrow shouted as students scrambled for an exit some using their weapons to make new exits.

The poor wolf and the brawler ran untill they reached the combat arena. We're Yang instantly knocked Shade to his ass only to get up and realise he does not have the full wolfish grin. He then remembered his scythe in his locker. He pulled out his scroll and quickly tapped a few numbers and dodged Yang then a loud crash occured as his locker burst through the roof interrupted the fight and Shade grabbed his scythe and surprised Yang because she hadn't seen this new weapon yet. Shade took advantage of this and swung his scythe around to try and throw her off balance. He was about to beat her to the ground when a familiar red scythe stopped him mid swing. Shade took this as a slight hint to finally stop. So he put his weapon away as Qrow and the rest of the class sat down in the spectator seats to continue the lesson.
" Anyway back to this lesson on auras. Mr Arc would you come hear please." Qrow asked and Jaune  complied by going to him.
"Right now if everyone would care to look at the screen showing this boys aura level." All eyes looked at the screen above the two to see Jaunes aura gauge go down slightly as Qrow  hit him a few times.
"What was that for?" Jaune demanded.
"Well as you can clearly see this man has more aura then he knows as that would wipe people's aura out if it weren't him. As you can see what I am trying to say is do not think people have equal amounts of aura because some like Mr.Arc have more. This is because no one is the same in any way. Sorry about that kid but I needed to show them about auras before I leave you were just unlucky to be chosen." Qrow explained.
"And who's fault is it that I was unlucky?" Jaune said before laughing with the teacher. After they had finished they were dismissed from the lesson and that concluded the school day but now the had to worry about valentines day.

I am so sorry for not updating in so long but school.  Anyway this is the first of the last four chapters that I will do for this book if you want a continuation just ask or if you want a brand new story just give me an idea on what you are looking to read and I will do what I can. Anyway until next are paths should meet I bid you all a pleasant farewell.

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