Chapter 6: Birth

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It had been a good two months since the second food fight of beacon and we bring you who read today to the school infirmary. Sat at one of the beds was our good friend Shade to whom he was holding the hand of Velvet the currently in pain mother to be. With her other half at her side she felt she was ready for anything.....well nearly anything. How should I put be ready for birth is like being ready to have an arm amputated whilst you can still feel pain. Theee was just no way she could have been ready to give birth and no way was Shade ready for how much pain his hand was to go through. At the sound of Velvet screaming a blur of red, white, black, yellow, pink, green, white with a hint of yellow ( could not remember the definetive colours of jaune), and a darker red than the first (also could not remember the exact colour for pyhrra) came rushing through the door as team RWBY and JNPR came rushing through the door to see if she was all right.
"Hold on a second what exactly is happening again?" Ruby questioned.
"Yh Ruby would you mind walking to the shop and grabbing as many cookies as you can with this" Weiss replied handing Ruby a large sum of money.
"Not sure as to what is happening but I may buy strawberries instead" Ruby replied.
"Why strawberries I thought cookies where your favourite." Wiess asked looking slightly confused at this news.
"Nope. I do love cookies but strawberries are my favourite food by far" A rather extatic Ruby exclaimed before walking away to get what was starting to seem would end as a few trucks of strawberries. Anyway now that Ruby is out of the way the maturer students can converse about the current situation. Ok nearly mature students if you have to include Nora in the conversation.
"So obvious question time. Does it hurt?" Jaune said feeling very uncomfortable with were he was.
"What do you think?" Velvet replied in a voice so angry it could kill grimm on its own.
"Jaune go help Ruby carry the stuff she buys. You to Nora." Blake said all wise and all seeing like.
"Ok." They both cheered in unison.
"Anyway you excited about this." Yang asked with her signature thumbs up a cheeky grin.
"Honestly I'm very worried that I wont do a good job as a mother." Velvet said beginning to sound worried.
"Look if ever you need help come and talk to...." Wiess began before being rudely interrupted by Ren.
"Dont listen to miss silver spoon. She does not know what being a mother would truly mean. I however had to act as more of a mother to Nora in early life than I did a friend. So if you need advice coome to me I mean if I could near enough raise Nora I could help you raise your child." Ren interrupted but he did have a point about Wiess but not in the way he originally thought. With Ren sounding to wise fir his own good wiess began to get teary because of the thought of her mother. After having left to find Ruby still in tears from remembering her dead mother. She chose to run to catch up with Jaune and Nora. After seeing that spectacke the group decided to leave Shade and Velvet to do what their doing. Anyway after the final member was dragged from the room by Blake. Soon after Shade was yelling for a nurse or doctor just anyone qualified to deliver a baby. So after a lot of shouting from Shade mainly due to pain from Velvet squeezing his hand a lot they where on their way to having a baby.


So its been about a week since Velvet gave birth and Shade was making breakfast. Once a gain waffles with chocolate sauce the same as last time. However, after having a baby which was half wolf and half bunny they thought they should at least name the child.
"Im still sticking with what I saud about calling our daughter Lucy" Shade said whilst bringing the breakfast in.
"Yes and I say we call her something unusual to fit with the bunny ears and wolf tail. Something like Anastasia." Velvet replied.
"Ok then Anastasia it is then."

Sorry for such a slow update but havent had time what with sixth form and family but should be updating more often. Until next we meet again. The author has left the building.

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