Love me

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Akashi's P.O.V
'I haven't talked to her for a few year. I truly have no one to talk to and I feel very trapped in this world. Without y/n in my life ,it would be broken apart. Somehow in my heart, y/n has engraved her name in there. To be honest, I miss her cheerful attitude and the most of all she cared for me. I pushed her away. It's all my fault for loving Yuko. Finaly I truly understood my feelings. "I miss her....."

Normal P.O.V
You went into the gym to be greeted by a scowl face of Yuko. "Where have you been L/n Y/n?!? Your fifteen minutes late. Congrats brat, you have just been awarded to 50 laps around the gym. Goodluck with that." She smirked and pointed to the corner . You bit your lip and held back your anger. You didn't want to get kicked out of the team so you had to obey. Yuko and her gang stood awaiting and slowly counting each of your laps , waiting for you to grow exhausted. She wanted to make a fool out of you. Up to 10 laps you grew exhausted. You had asthma and slowly you feel it coming to you. Your airway started to squeeze the oxygen out of you. You began coughing and wheezing. "Keep running you brat!" Yelled Yuko. I continued to run ignoring my asthma until I fell to the floor half unconscious. Just when I was about to lose conscious the door opened. I heared someone yelling and screaming at each other. A second before I fainted I finaly saw him. Akashi Seijuro.

Akashi Seijuro's P.O.V
While I was outside the gym I hear loud commotions. Someone yelled to call a teacher. Once I entered the gym. All of the attention was at me. I saw everyone circling something in the middle. I saw Yuko smirking along with her group. I pushed pass the crowd and couldn't believe my eyes. There Y/n lay on the floor unconscious. I yelled 'who did this to her?'. Yuko stood beside me giggling.'Me of course!' My eyes glared daggers at her and wasted no time. I carried Y/n in a bridal style and rushed to the infirmary.

Normal P.O.V
You woke up to see white ceilings. 'Where am I?' You thought. You soon met eyes with a red and yellow ones. Akashi.... "Why am I here?" You asked. "You passed out during gym class and I brought you here." Said Akashi . "Thank you." You mumble. Little did you know he was silently happy to hear you say that. You stood up and wanted to head back to class before you felt wobbly. Akashi told you held onto his arm for support.

You were dismissed for the rest of the class due to your condition and Akashi had a permission letter to take you home. Both of you walked side by side with silence. Neither of you knew what to say. The journey went by short.Before you know it, you were already infront of your house. You thanked Akashi and walk towards your doorstep without any other word. Akashi then spoke up."Get well soon y/n ,I wish to see you very soon." and he left with a small wave. You were very happy to hear him say that. Soon you entered your house you landed straight to bed after a tiring day. During that night, it was the first time in a while that your nightmare have stopped.

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