chapter 2

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Seth touched his throat and Alec looked at him. Alec said, "You used so much power that you're hungry. Jane, go find a human and fast before he runs out to kill every single one of them." Jane nodded and left. She came back with a human. Seth looked up and Alec said, "Do you want me to make them not feel anything?" Seth nodded. Alec made his power go out and engulf the human in black smoke. Alec nodded at Seth. Seth ran over to the human and bit them. He drank their blood and drained them. Seth dropped the body and Alec made his power go back in. Seth had blood all over his clothes. Alec saw Seth's red eyes. Jacob saw Seth cringing and Seth screamed. His bones were cracking and he shifted. He was bigger and more fit. Jacob gasped with everyone. Alec ran over to him and pet his fur. Alec said, "Seth, are you okay?"

Edward said, "I can't even hear him. Bella." Bella shook her head.

Alec said, "He is my mate. Mates can communicate with each other through their thoughts." Alec pet him again. Alec said, "Bella, put it up. I can't have Edward hearing this." Bella put up her shield. Alec thought Seth, are you okay baby?

Seth thought Alec, is that you. It is. I don't know what happened. I just fed and then my bones shifted and I was a wolf.

Alec thought Shift back and I'll put my cloak on you so you're not naked. Seth nodded.

Alec threw his cloak over Seth and Seth shifted back. Seth held onto the cloak and he smiled at Alec. Seth said, "Thanks babe." Alec nodded. Alec looked at Bella and nodded. Bella took off her shield.

Alec said, "He said that he just fed and then shifted. You noticed that he was bigger right?" They all nodded.

Alice said, "We better set up the wedding." The Cullen's and wolves left except Seth. Alec and Seth went to their room.

They got there and Seth put some pants on. Seth ran over to Alec and kissed him. Alec kissed back and they fell on the bed. They kept kissing and Alec's shirt came off. Alec said, "Seth, we can't. Not until we're married." Seth nodded and they kept making out.

At 7pm, someone knocked on their door and Alec answered it. It was Alice and Bella. Bella said, "It's time to get ready. Get your suits on and we will do your hair. Alec is coming with us." Seth nodded and Alec left with the girls. Jane walked in with Rosalie.

Seth said, "Let me shower and I'll get my suit on." Seth showered and got his suit on. He came out and the girls nodded.

He sat down and they did his hair. Jane said, "You look perfect Seth. We will leave you for a few minutes to get ready." Seth nodded and the 2 left.

10 minutes later, Jane walked in and grabbed Seth's hand. Seth said, "It's time." Jane nodded. They walked out.

They got to the garden and Leah grabbed Seth's arm. Seth nodded. Leah and Seth walked down the aisle. Alec looked up when he heard the music and gaped at Seth. Seth was in a perfect black suit with a blue tie. Seth looked at Alec and gasped. Seth saw Alec wearing a black suit with a red tie. Leah handed Seth to Alec. Aro was officiating it. Aro said some stuff and they said their vows. Aro said, "You're now married. You may kiss." They kissed and everyone clapped. They looked at everyone with their eyes shining red. Aro said, "There's something in the throne room for the both of you." Alec and Seth left.

They came back all fed from the human in the throne room. They smiled at everyone and kissed. Edward came over and said, "Congratulations Seth and Alec. You deserve to be together forever and forever. Sam sends his congratulations to the both of you." They partied and talked for hours.

They got to their room at 12am and Seth kissed Alec. Alec kissed back and they fell on the bed. Alec's shirt and tie came off with Seth's. They kept kissing and then Seth pulled down Alec's pants. Alec did Seth's pants too. They were making out and they both ended up naked in the next second. Alec prepped Seth as best as he could. Then he pushed into Seth and they both moaned. Alec thrusted into Seth and Seth met his thrusts. They kept fucking until they came at the same time. Alec spilled into Seth and Seth spilled on their stomachs. They kept fucking through the night.

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