chapter 4

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Alec and Seth woke up many hours later at 10am and got ready for the day. They fed on each other and went to the throne room. They saw that everyone else already fed including Stiles. Alec and Seth went over to Aro and they all held hands. Seth thought of the field in Bosnia and they were there.

They were in the field and they waited for the Romanians. The Romanians showed up and they saw the wolves with the Cullen's and Volturi. Vladimir said, "Aro, you have sided with the Cullen's and the wolves. Why?"

Aro answered "A wolf is Alec's mate. We will kill you if we have to. We are sorry for killing your families. We should've just asked to be on the thrones."

Stefan said, "It doesn't matter. We will kill you." Then they all started feeling pain.

Vladimir said, "Who?"

Jane, Stiles, and Toby said, "Me." They looked at them and gaped.

Aro said, "Alec, Toby, and Stiles use it." Then the 3 of them used sense deprivation on all of the Romanians. Then Felix and Dimitri killed them all with Emmett and Jasper. Aro said, "Let's go home." They burned the bodies and left back to Italy.

They got back to Volterra and went to the throne room. Carlisle said, "I may have underestimated when the baby is supposed to be born. It actually takes 1 month to 2 because of the vampire and werewolf. Derek will come out within the next few weeks." Seth looked at Carlisle and Carlisle nodded.

Alec said, "We are ready for it. We have everything we need."

Seth said, "Yeah we do." Seth sat on his throne and Alec sat in his. Seth sat on Alec's lap. Seth said, "I need a comfy cushion on my throne so I can sit down without feeling my legs hurt and my back too." Aro nodded.

Seth grabbed a book full of fairytales and read it without touching it using his telekinesis. He was on red riding hood when a person walked in. They handed Aro a note. Aro read it and said, "It seems that Kate and Garrett of the Denali clan are getting married."

Esme said, "That's great. I knew it would happen after the interrogation in the field. They are mates."

Seth said, "I'm going. Tanya is my friend just like Kate is. Garrett actually got to know me before the fight. When is it?"

Aro answered "In 3 days time. You can pack and leave tomorrow in the jet and be there before nightfall. Who else is going?"

Alec said, "I'll go as a volturi witness with Seth."

Edward said, "Our clan will go. Jacob will come too. The rest of the wolves can stay or come."

Leah, Quil, and Embry said, "We will go. They are our friends too."

Aro said, "Okay. I will need all of you to watch Seth and Alec." They all nodded.

Seth went to reading his book again and he laughed at the part where the wolf ate granny. Alec laughed with him. Edward did too. Bella said, "What's funny?"

Edward said, "Seth is reading red riding hood and he laughed at the part where the wolf ate the granny." Bella shook her head.

Stiles came in and everyone looked at him. Stiles smiled and said, "I heard about a wedding." Seth nodded.

Alec said, "You can come too." Stiles squealed and hugged Alec. Alec hugged back. Alec said, "We leave tomorrow at 10am." Stiles nodded.

Lucas and Toby came in. Lucas said, "Master, there's 2 people here to see you under the names of Scott McCall and Derek Hale."

Stiles froze and Aro nodded. The 2 people walked in and saw Stiles. Scott said, "Stiles."

Stiles ran over to Scott and growled. Stiles said, "I told you not to look for me because you kicked me out of the pack."

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