chapter 7

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Renesmee ran to the bedroom and she heard Jacob coming. She was sitting on the bed and Jacob walked in. Jacob said, "Seth told me that you wanted to talk to me babe." Renesmee nodded. Renesmee kissed Jacob and Jacob kissed back. Jacob broke it and said, "That was your first kiss." Renesmee nodded.

Renesmee said, "Jacob Black, I love you so very much."

Jacob laughed and said, "Me too." Jacob kissed Renesmee again and they fell on the bed. They laughed and kept kissing. Then Renesmee took off Jacob's shirt and Jacob said, "Your parents are going to kill me."

Renesmee said, "The warlock soundproofed the room for me. We can do whatever we want and everyone will think that I'm sleeping with you." Jacob laughed and kissed Renesmee again. Then Renesmee took off Jacob's pants and boxers. Jacob chuckled and took off Renesmee's dress. He took off her bra and looked at her. She looked blissful and he put his hands near her panties. She nodded and said, "Jacob, do it." Jacob took off her panties and he threw them on the ground. He prepped her and grabbed a condom. He put it on and smiled. She nodded and he pushed in. They moaned and he thrusted into her. She met his thrusts and they came together. Jacob came out and threw the condom out. They showered and changed. Renesmee said, "The warlock also put up spells where Alice won't even know what we were doing or anyone else." Jacob smiled and kissed Renesmee.

They went back to the throne room and Renesmee closed off her mind. She started thinking about Justin Bieber and singing his songs in her head. Jacob said, "Hey guys!"

Derek nodded and Jacob closed his mind too. Edward said, "The 2 of you have closed your mind. What were you doing? Stop thinking about Justin Bieber and tell me now Renesmee or you're grounded from seeing Jacob for a month."

Renesmee nodded and Stiles took off the shield. Renesmee opened her mind and Edward was getting mad. Seth, Derek, and any other telepathic vampire was smirking. Alice said, "You stupid mutt."

Edward said, "You couldn't even wait until your wedding night to take advantage of her. You had to do it."

Alec said, "How come we didn't know anything?"

Renesmee said, "The warlock put up soundproof spells and other things. I owe him a favor in response."

Stiles said, "You know that any favor made with a warlock could get you killed or turned into a rat or something."

Renesmee nodded and said, "So what. I'm pretty sure being a rat won't harm me or anything. It'll wear off."

Edward growled and Jacob chuckled. Jacob said, "She wanted it and she gave me consent. She's 17. She can make her own choices."

Edward ran at Jacob and Jacob dodged it. Seth moved his hands and he had Edward in the air. Edward couldn't move. Renesmee chuckled and Edward glared at Seth. Seth said, "Enough of this Edward. God you're like a child. Let your daughter love who she wants. We all knew about the imprint. Imprint means different things. One could be a protector, a brother, or a lover. We all knew that it was going to be love. I could tell after Renesmee was born and Jacob was going to kill her for killing Bella. Jacob went to the living room and walked in, but one look at Renesmee and he was in love. He imprinted just like how I imprinted on Alec on the battlefield. Renesmee always talked to me after she turned 6 fast. She told me about how she felt for Jacob even though she was young. She didn't want to talk to anyone, but me for those talks. She understood. I told her all about imprinting and that Jacob imprinted on her. I also told her about vampire mates and that Jacob could be hers. She kept her mind from those talks from her parents and everyone else."

Renesmee said, "I understood what uncle Seth was saying. I also accepted the mating part and imprint part if it ever happened. I just can't feed on Jacob or he'll die."

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