chapter 6

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Derek ran to the bedroom and said, "Stiles, please come out. I want to celebrate your birthday with you. You need to get your suit on. It's on the bed. Meet me in the hallway when you're done. Felix will do your hair. He's waiting on the bed." Derek ran out of the room.

Stiles unlocked the door and he came out. He saw Felix on the bed and went to the bathroom. He had a shower and put his suit on. Felix did his hair and said, "It's okay. I know he forgives you. I can tell people's feeling and he's happy. He's excited and happy to be your mate. You make a great couple even if Derek is 17. Alec and Seth forgive you too." Stiles hugged Felix and nodded. Felix left the room and closed the door. Stiles looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. He had to go out there and celebrate his birthday with his family and friends except the Cullen's because they haven't returned yet.

He opened the bedroom door and saw Derek waiting on the wall. Derek looked at him and said, "I'm sorry. I forgive you. You shouldn't feel guilty. It was my father who started it. Let's go to your party in the throne room." Stiles surged forward and kissed Derek. Derek kissed back and they broke it.

Stiles said, "Thank you. I'm so sorry too." Derek nodded. Stiles said, "We should go to my party now." They walked through the castle to the throne room.

They were at the doors and Derek nodded. The guards opened the doors and they walked in. Stiles looked around and saw the Star Wars theme. Stiles screeched and Derek laughed. Derek said, "Go sit on the throne." Stiles grabbed Derek's hand and led him over to the throne too. Stiles sat down and Derek stood beside him. Derek said, "You want breakfast first." Stiles nodded. Then a bunch of humans came in. Derek said, "You get to feed first." Then Stiles ran over to a human and drained them. Everyone else fed. They all went back to their respective spots. The bodies were taken out of the room.

Stiles said, "I would like to say a few things. Thank you for the birthday party theme. I love Star Wars. I'm sorry that I almost killed Alec and Seth. I'm also sorry to say that I'm going to be leaving the castle to go to college at Oxford to study psychology so I can be a psychologist for kid and adults." Everyone froze and started talking at once. Stiles said, "I accepted a scholarship to go there before I even came here."

Derek said, "You just can't leave me."

Stiles said, "You should've seen your faces. I'm not going anywhere far away. Let's open my presents now." Stiles opened his first present and it was a bracelet from Jane. He opened the rest and it was good stuff. Stiles said, "What'd I get from you Derek?"

Derek grabbed a box and opened it. He went on one knee and said, "Stiles Volturi, will you marry me Derek Volturi?"

Stiles said, "Yes." Then Stiles hugged Derek and Derek put the ring on. Stiles kissed Derek and Derek kissed back. They broke it and hugged again. Stiles said, "My ring looks so good. It's a silver ring with an emerald on top. I love it."

Derek said, "My dad's helped me find the perfect ring for you this morning before the party."

Alec said, "The fight was my fault because I started it. I started it by being an ass to you. Seth forgave me and you. I forgive you and I'm sorry."

Stiles said, "Thanks. I accept your apology and I'm sorry too. Let's celebrate my 18th now."

Everyone laughed and Seth said, "You have more presents from the Volturi and the Cullen's."

Stiles opened more presents and then opened the Cullen's presents. He opened the one from Aro and it was a picture of a plane. Aro said, "You and Derek get your own plane to go on your honeymoon. Alec and Seth even have their own." Stiles nodded.

Stiles opened the one from Alec and it was keys. Stiles gasped and Alec smiled. Alec said, "You get a new car in the garage. You will find out later. Derek doesn't even know what car I got you or gave you."

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