Chapter 4

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Maeranna's POV

Its been at least 5-6 days that Legolas has not come back. I really have to say that I missed him. I have grown very fond of him.

Tonight is the feast of the Starlight, Legolas might not be here by tonight. I, of course, took my book and make my way to a tree again. I went over to a large tree and sat down. I didn't open my book. I seemed to not be in the mood today. I sat there staring blankly at nothing for about ten minutes and came back to the palace. But before I reached the palace doors, The company of Thorin Oakenshield has arrived safely in the hands of Legolas.


"What are you doing in these parts of the woods?" He asked emotionlessly

"I just came back from the tree I always visit." I said while looking back and forth to Legolas and to Thorin

"Let me make this clear to you. Never go to that tree ever again." He said. He has no intonation at all

"What?! Why?" I asked (I have anger problems)

"Because I said so." He said and pass through me

I looked at the dwarves and they are fighting against the grip of the guards.

This was not to be happened! I was supposed to be in the woods and look out for the dwarves and then leave for Erebor. But instead, they have been captured by the guards. I don't know what to do! If they got put in prison, I can't just sneak them out!

I followed Legolas to the dungeons, the elves pushed the dwarves in roughly.

I made my way in front of Thorin's cell.

"I am so sorry!"

"I want to strangle that elf with his own hair!" Thorin hissed

"Good luck with that, you will need it. Nothing passes through these cellars." I said

"Sneak us out!" Thorin mouthed with no voice

"I can't just sneak you out without getting caught!" I  mouthed back

"Then think of something!" Thorin mouthed

"Maeranna." Legolas called

"I have to go." I said aloud to Thorin this time

I walked pass through Legolas and out of the dungeon halls. I went from one hallway to another and suddenly I fell backwards. Nothing was there.

"I am so sorry." A hobbit suddenly appeared

I suddenly screamed for no good reason.

"Shhhhh! Please! I won't hurt you." He whispered

"I am here with the dwarves. Thorin told me about an elleth who is joining us." He started

"And that, I presume, is you." He continued

"True." I said

I got up to my feet and my elven ears hear footsteps coming fast.

"Disappear again! Someone is coming!" I whispered

The hobbit put on his golden ring and disappeared

"What's going on?" Someone asked which completely startled me and I jumped a bit

I look to the back to see Legolas with a dagger in his hand.

"Nothing!" I said with a smile

"I'm just going to go back to my chambers but then I tripped and fell." I said

Awkward silence...

"I'm going to go.... back." I said while turning around slowly and escaping Legolas and our awkward silence.

I ran to my room, I close the door, then I heard a knock.

I saw no one.

"May I come in?" A voice asked

The Hobbit!

"Yes, yes." I said while widening the door and soon closing it back.

He took off his ring and introduced himself.

"My name is Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins." He said while shacking my hand and with the friendly smile of his.

"Maeranna of Rivendell."

"The dwarves are being held captive in the royal dungeons." I said

"And I can't get them without being caught by the guards."


"So you want me to sneak in there and free them?" Bilbo asked

"Use that ring of yours." I said

"By tomorrow, we leave." I said

He nodded

"Right now, just rest. You can sit down if you would like." I said

"I need to get ready." I told him while making my way to my vanity and sitting down

"Ready for what?" Bilbo asked

"The feast of the Starlight." I said

Then I remembered something...

"I think it would be best if you stay in another room for the moment. There are hundreds of empty rooms that no one even visits." I told him

"Alright then. Do you mind telling me where it is?" He asked

"Its to the left hallway. You will find all those rooms which I guessed that they're empty." I said

He put on his ring and went out of my room.

I took a quick bath and wore my red dress (on media) and I took a red lip gloss and apply it to my lips making it look bright red. Next, I took my headpiece and place it on my head. I went down to the ballroom to see a crowd of women and men in fancy dressings. I spotted some of my friends from Rivendell, Leilatha and Ileenne. I approach them but before I could greet them, they smothered me with hugs.

We talked and talked like all other friends do but then, a young ellon with black hair asked Leilatha to dance. Surprisingly two more ellon came by and asked Ileenne and I for a dance. I nodded, as did Ileenne. We got into the dance floor.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" The ellon with pure pearly hair asked (not Legolas) while we both dance

"I don't mind at all actually. My name is Maeranna." I said

"A beautiful name for the beautiful elleth of Rivendell." He said

"You knew me." I said

"Well, I don't know any other elleth with the name of Maeranna. Only the jewel of Rivendell." He said

I smiled instead of saying anything.

"What about you? I haven't heard your name." I asked him

"My name is Andear." He said

"Your brothers, Elladan and Ellrohir, they fool around everyday. Don't you?" He asked

"You come from Rivendell?" I asked

"Yes. Do you fool around every day or are you like your sister, Arwen, who is quiet outside the castle but I've heard that she is quite the troublemaker of the family?" He asked

"Actually I have both characters. I act way worse than any them." I said

We ended the dance.

"It is nice meeting you, Maeranna of Rivendell." He bowed

"As you, Andear of Rivendell." I greeted him back

He is one charming ellon.

I walked around the party, then I got a glimpse of Legolas in a balcony.

I approached him,

"Legolas, is everything alright?" I asked

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