Chapter 9

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Maeranna's POV

"Roaarrrrrrrrrr!" I turned around to see Smaug in pain. Bard had shot him. The bell tower fell.

"Da!" Sigrid and Tilda called out

People found their families. I smiled at their happiness. Then Alfrid have to ruin the moment by picking a fight with a woman. I stopped him as he went to far, he nearly hit the woman.

"Let go of me, you filthy creature!" He yelled

His breath is so foul, it started wars.

"I am the master of this town!" He continued

"As a master if this town, you really have no manners towards your own people. Its like searching for cold ice under hot water, get some manners first and then lead your people!" I said to him

He raised his hands to slap me but Bard held his hand back.

"I would not even try to do that, Alfrid." Bard said while spinning him, then Bain tripped him. Alfrid fell backwards

"Da!" Tilda and Sigrid called out and ran to their father

"Come here!" Bard said with open arms, ready for a hug. And a hug is what he got.

I then spot Tauriel. I ran to her and jumped on her.


"Maera, you're alright!" She hugged me back

"We have been looking all over for you!" She said with a smile

"We?" I asked

Not for long Killi approached us.

"I'll leave you two alone." I said

I knew something is up with those two. Love birds!

"Maera, where would we go now?" Bofur asked

"To the mountain of course!" I said

"Maera." A soft calling came from behind me, my eyes widened, so did the dwarves. I know that sound well.

"Help me!" I mouthed to the dwarves

"Lets go!" Filli said aloud

"Right!!" I said as I move forward to get into the boat but Legolas held me back and pulled me behind a large tree.

"Whaattt?!" I whined

"I need to talk to you." He said

"Too bad! I don't want to talk to you!" I said while turning back around just to be held back again.


"Look, my grandmother send me to Mirkwood not to have fun. I am there to help the dwarves. I do not expect myself to suddenly fall in love." I said and my eyes widened. I did not just say that!!

"Neither did I." He said


"Maeranna! We're leaving!" Filli called out

"I have to go." I said and I turned around

"Won't you give me a chance to explain?" He asked

I stayed quiet for a moment and answered, "Go on."

"I'm sorry that I brought the dwarves to my father-

"Don't even try to start from that point, Legolas. Its over." I said while turning around looking at him dead in the eye.

"You just apologized for something UNimportant. Don't even try to meet me again then!" I said while trying to run away but he held me in place

"Are you going to just throw all we have been through?" He asked

Forgive Me (Legolas fanfic) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now