Chapter 10

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Maeranna's POV

Seredhil disappeared leaving me in a state of confusion. He wouldn't do that to me, would he?

"Maera, Maera, you've got to help the people of Lake Town." Bilbo came to me

"Thorin promised them wealth if the master of Lake Town approved the reclamation of this mountain but Thorin would not share a single penny." Bilbo continued

"That's horrible! But I do not know how I can get Thorin to give what he promised." I said

"Make something up." Bilbo said

I ran out of the room and went on search for Thorin.
This place is a maze.

"Thorin! Thorin." I have found him

"What?" He asked

"I've heard the news about Lake Town. Care to explain?" I asked

"Once we reclaim our homeland, we protect it." He said

"You promised. You promise to share some wealth to them." I said

"It is none of your business." He said

"Fine. I will do it myself." I said

I went down the steps and out to the exit, but you know how sneaky I am, I manage to take some gold, at least ten bags full. I burst out of the mountain and ran back to Lake Town.

"Bard!" I called out

"What are you doing here?" He asked while running to me with another horse

"Here. If Thorin won't give you what he promised then I will." I said while handing him the bags

"Elves are full of surprises. King Thranduil is here also, he brought some goods. Really, really unexpected." Bard said

"I came here to reclaim what is mine, Lady Maeranna." He appeared

"Those white gems?" I asked

"Yes, I'm surprised you knew it." He said

"My father told me." I said

"And I suppose that you left my Realm without notice for a "mission" to reclaim what is not yours." He said

"Its a mission entrusted to me by Lady Galadriel, my grandmother." I said

"I just wished you could've told me about it." He said

"Grandmother told me not to tell anyone. Sneaking out was my only option." I said

"I see." He said, annoyed by my word of choice and left. Well, I am annoyed about the information about his son cheating on me with Tauriel. Especially when he just escape from a marriage.

"Thank you once more Maeranna. But this, of course won't be enough." He said

"I don't know what more to do, Bard. They won't accept me anymore, I ran away." I said

"You shouldn't have done that." He said

"Well, you are in need, times got harder for you. You need to rebuild Lake Town." I said

"Maeranna!" Tilda called and ran to me


"I thought you would never come back." She said

"Of course I will, Tilda." I said

"Maera, you came back." Sigrid and Bain approached me

"Of course I did. I would never leave you three behind." I said

"Smaug may be dead, but that does not mean that the war is over." I said

"What do you mean, war?" Bard asked

"Just think about it, if an orc pack went on a killing rampage for Thorin Oakenshield in Lake Town, then they will come again with an army because they knew that Thorin is not dead, they knew that Thorin has reclaim Erebor." I said

"Either you want it or not, the orcs will eventually attack Lake Town as well." I said

Bard looked down and started thinking. The children looked scared.

"Come." He said while turning around and entering a tent

As I came inside I saw Thranduil and Gandalf.

"You're all in mortal danger." Gandalf said

"What are you talking about?" Bard asked

"I can see you know nothing of wizards, they are like winter thunder on a wild wind, rolling in from a distance, but sometimes, a storm is just a storm." Thranduil said

"Not this time. Armies of orcs are on the move, these are fighters that have been bred for war. Our enemy has summoned his full strength." Gandalf said

"Why show his hand now?" Thanduil asked

"Because we forced him, we forced him on the company of Thorin Oakenshield set out to reclaim their homeland. The dwarves are never meant to reach Erebor, Azog the Defiler was sent to kill them. His master seeks control over the mountain. Not just the treasure within but..." Gandalf continued talking but I left to warn the dwarves. I ran back to the dock and stole a boat. I paddled there myself.

It took me days till I arrived in the mountain. I climbed myself up because Thorin dumped rocks in the entrance.

"Thorin!" I yelled out

"What brings you back?" He asked appearing from the darkness

"Orcs! An army of them! They're on the move! Their master seeks control of this mountain."

"That won't be a problem." He said

"How is that not a problem?" I asked

"We have had our army from the Iron Hills to come forth." He said calmly

I gave a sigh of relief.

"You can stay for the night." He said and left

"Maera." A familiar voice sounded from behind

I turned around and saw Seredhil.

"Seredhil, what are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to warn you, Maera. The orcs you may have thought, is not in small numbers. An army of dwarf itself won't be enough. Rivendell, Lorien, Shire, even Gondor itself will fall."

My eyes widened and I can feel my heart racing.

"What can we do then?" I asked

"That choice is yours to pick." She said

She disappeared

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