First Impression

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When dad finally turned into a driveway and stopped the car, all I could think was wow.

The double story house that stood in front of me took my breath away, although I tried not to show it.

The perfectly neat garden was bigger than any lounge room I had ever seen, with fresh green... well everything.

The hedges looked like they were tended to everyday, the flowers bright and lively.

The stairs leading up to the porch with the big, white door looked very sturdy, the white paint looked perfect.

The whole house looked very big and fancy, very clean.

I could see a chimney poking out from the top, indicating that there was a fire place inside.

I tried to not show how impressed I was, keeping a straight face as I pulled my bags out from the car.

I heard dad saying something about rooms, not really paying much attention to what he was saying.

He said something about mine being on the left before he unlocked the door and let us inside.

Although quiet white and plain, the inside of the house still managed to amaze me.

The roof was a lot higher than most houses. An unnecessary seat sat in the far right corner.

There were a lot of doors leading to unknown rooms.

Big, grand stars lead up to the next floor, glass serving as a protector to anything that might fall over the side.

I looked left and went to the first door I saw.

It was horrific.

It was like dad had tried to remake my childhood bedroom. Pink bed sheets, stuffed toys everywhere.

A telly on the far side, on top of a pink dresser.

Although this room was a lot bigger than my childhood one, and with more technology, I noticed as I saw some sort of gaming device under the Television.

'Ummm, Dan, that's not your room,' I heard dad call from the entry room. Thank god for that, but if not mine, who's?

I walked out, confusing written on my face.

'If you had have listened to me in the car, you would have heard me tell you about Mia and Isabelle.'

'What? Who the hell are Mia and Isabelle?'

'Mia is Isabelle's daughter, and Isabelle is my fiance. They're not here at the moment because they thought it best to give you a few days to settle in before you meet them.'

I honestly did not think it was possible for me to respect dad any less, but he just proved that I could.

I glared at him, not wanting to waste breath on him.

I grabbed my bags up from the ground and walked into the next room, well, I opened the door.

It was a cupboard. I tried the next one, it was a room, so I guess it was "my room".

I slammed the door in anger, showing dad what I thought of him and his precious little girlfriend.

I can't believe it, not only did he leave us, but he also replaced us.

I dumped my bags on the bed and looked around the room.

Although it was plain, it was very big.

A queen sized bed next to the door, a chest of drawers on the far side with a TV resting on it.

There were two doors on the right wall, I soon learnt that one lead to a bathroom, and the other ot a walk-in-robe.

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