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'Danica!' Someone yelled, shooting me awake.

Soon after dad stormed into my room, not the most perfect way to wake up.

'What is this?' He yelled, shoving something in my face.

'Todays paper?'

'Look at the cover.'

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked at the crinkled paper held by tight hands.

Me and Harry, enlarged, kissing outside the house.

There were photos surrounding the main one, all of me and Harry.

In the car park, shooting hoops, him kissing my temple.

A smile spread across my lips remembering.

'What is this? Do you have any idea what you're doing?' Dad yelled, snapping me out of my happiness.

'What? It was just a date.'

'Danica, he's in the most famous boyband, he has fans, fans that aren't going to like these pictures.'

'So what? They can say what they like. Why does this concern you anyway?' I turned around, diving my head under my blanket, not caring what he had to say.

I heard footsteps lead out of my room, defeat.

After a few minutes I knew I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep.

I sat up and reached for my phone.

No new messages, 37 notifications.

I went on to Facebook to look at them.

There were so many posts on my wall, new messages.

Most of them were about the paper and Harry.

None of them really stood out, just "omg was that really you?"

"Since when were you in London?"

"Danica we haven't spoken in ages, how have you been?"

Yeah nice try.

I logged out, not wanting to see peoples attempts to suck up to me.

Although I wasn't able to go back to sleep, I didn't want to get up either.

I pulled my laptop onto my legs and opened megashare and started catching up on The Carrie Diaries.

*1 new message*

I paused the episode I was currently on to look at my phone.

From: Harry

Received: 1:46pm 13/6/2013

Last night was really fun. I needed something to take my mind off of things, thank you xx

To: Harry

Sent: 1:48pm 13/6/2013

I really enjoyed it to :)

Glad I could help haha, just don't let things get you down, it's not worth it.

From: Harry

Received: 1:56pm

It just gets a bit to hard sometimes.

I'm about to go into an interview, I'll speak to you later :) x

I felt my stomach grumble under the sheets, reminding me it had been over 12 hours since I'd last eaten.

I peeled the sheets back and got up, going to the toilet first before taking two more pain killers.

I got changed from my pyjamas into a simple shirt and jeans before making my way to the kitchen, not bothering with my hair or makeup.

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