Second Encounter

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It had been a week since our first encounter.

We'd been talking quiet a bit, messaging each other.

I never brought it up though, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable, if he wanted to talk about it, he would.

From: Harry

Received: 12:31pm 11/6/2013

I think we're coming over later. Another interview x

To: Harry

Sent: 12:34pm

Yay :)) do you even know what this whole project thing is about yet?

From: Harry

Received: 12:35pm

Lel not really.

I placed my phone down on the sink as I got undressed and stepped into the shower.

The warm water instantly relaxed my muscles.

I spent 15 minutes thinking about my worries, mum, finding a job down here, Harry.

And only spent about 5 minutes actually washing myself.

Once out I continued my daily routine of makeup and doing my hair, deciding on a side plait.

While looking for a ribbon to put at the end of my plait, there was an all to familiar pain in my upper leg.


I tensed in the pain, feeling a gush like Niagara Falls.

I quickly opened one of the drawers and pulled out a pad and went to the toilet.

Once I had finished, feeling more protected now, I took two pain reliever tablets.

Two days early, fucking two days.

I found the ribbon and tied a bow in my hair, making my way out to the kitchen.

I think dad had come to terms that I wouldn't be on time for any breakfast meal, no matter how much he scolded me for it.

Half the time, like today, I was late for lunch also.

I proceeded to make a salami sandwich when there was a knock at the door.

I could hear dad as he answered it, inviting the guests inside.

'Me and Jerry will have to have a short meeting, then we'll all have to have one. You can all make yourselves at home in the mean time.'

I heard a few agreements and thank you's before footsteps lead the five boys to the lounge room.

'Oh look who's here,' Louis greeted, giving me a big smile.

'Hello.' I put my sandwich on a plate and walked to the big table.

'Would you mind making me one of those, it looks good,' Niall said, practically drooling.

'Lol no, make it yourself,' I half joked.

He glared at me playfully before walking around the corner in the kitchen, out of sight.

Harry walked into the room and as soon as our eyes met, his lips turned to a smile and his eyes softened, as if relief washed over him.

He came and joined my by the table, pulling out a chair across from mine.

'Hello Styles.'

'Hey Dan,' he smiled back. I was just glad to see that smile of his, although I wasn't sure if it was just for show or not.

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