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Lunch was as good as the pasta I'd had the night before, if not better.

'Where were you before?' I asked Cory as he sat in front of me.

'More specific?'

'When you "went off to get me a towel"?' I said, using air quotation marks. A cheeky grin grew on his face before he started laughing.


'Don't worry, you will be.' Everyone was kind of hanging around, socializing, like before.

'This is kind of weird aye,' I said looking around, 'having all these strangers here.'

'Ehh,' Cory shrugged, 'it's better than having no one here.' Looking around, I noticed Louis playing with the dog outside.

Then I saw Harry talking to another guy, quiet tall, blondish hair, mostly brown.

They both looked at me slightly, trying to not make it obvious. Strange

I turned away, putting focus back onto Cory.

'I guess.'

I felt the couch sink a little lower as someone sat beside me.

Turning around, I saw Harry looking at me.

'Hi,' he simply said.

'Hi. Umm Cory, Harry. Harry, Cory.' I leaned back so they could see each other.

Cory simply raised his eyebrows and gave his head a little nod, his way of saying hi.

'Hello, you're Tim's son I'm guessing.'

'The one and only.'

'How are you liking London?'

'Ehh, it's alright. Haven't been here that long, haven't had time to really explore much of it.'

'Yeah yeah, fair enough. Well it really is quiet something if you get out and about. A lot of touristy things to see and do.' I noticed a slight head twitch as he finished speaking, but decided not to say anything, in case it was a regular thing, I didn't want to seem rude.

'What's your favourite thing to do around here?' I asked. The one that Harry had been tallying to before, the one with blonde and brown hair, walked over to us, taking a seat next to Harry as he leaned back, so we could all see each other.

'Hello,' he said, smiling at Cory and I.

He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to shine.

'Hi,' I smiled back. I seemed to be meeting a lot of new people today.

Cory gave him the same head nod he had given Harry just moments ago.

'Niall, this is Danica and Cory, Danica and Cory this is Niall.'

'Nice to meet you both.'

'You too.'

'Hey Cory have you got a PlayStation?' Harry asked.

'Uhhh, I don't know.'

'I think there's one in one of the lounge rooms, let's go find it,' Harry said, getting up and walking through one of the hallways.

'Ahhh, ok.' Cory followed behind him slowly.

'And then there were two,' I laughed.

'Make that one.' Niall got up and started walking away.

'Oh, ok.'

He walked no more than 3 steps before turning back around, smiling, taking his seat back next to me.

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