All That Matters

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5:45pm and there was already a knock at the door.

'Two seconds,' I called out.

I ran to the door, opening it revealed a tall, happy looking Harry.

'Sorry I'm a bit early.'

'Oh don't worry about it.' I pulled him inside and into my room.

'Just ahh, take a seat, I'll be a few minutes.'

'Take your time, the movie doesn't start for another forty five minutes.'

I went back into the bathroom, finishing my hair.

Today was not my day.

I'd just broken out near my mouth, my hair wasn't agreeing with me and everything was annoying me.

At least the cramps weren't too bad today.

I put a few pads in my bag along with some pain relievers.

I took out my retainer and put it in it's case, not wanting to have to deal with it later.

I quickly looked in the mirror to make sure everything was in place before stepping into my room to find Harry sitting on my bed on his phone.

He looked up at me, a beautiful smile spreading across his face.

'You look amazing,' he spoke, getting up off the bed.

'Thank you.' I felt my cheeks blushing a little as a result to his compliment.

We walked out to the car and he held a door open for me, as I got in.

The car ride was nice, a little quiet but nice.

We talked a little but mostly just let the radio fill the silence.

I couldn't help but look and I knew it was wrong, but I did.

They were well hidden today.

When we arrived, there were paps everywhere. I'm not going to lie, I was scared to leave the car.

'What the hell? How did they even know you were going to be here?'

'I have no idea. It's alright, just don't respond to anything they say, they want you to snap.'

I looked out the window, there were about 10-15 of them, flashing lights everywhere.

They were pushing past others all trying to get the best shot.

'Ready?' I gave a single nod before opening the door and stepping out.

'Hey over here!'

'Are you his new lady?'

'Whats your name?'

'Where did he find you? The back of a dumpster?' I felt my body tense, trying hard not to react.

I looked at them all as the acted like animals.

Calling out rude remarks, taking nonstop pictures.

I felt Harry by my side in an instant, he linked his hand in mine and pulled me along, ignoring the paps.

'Don't worry about them, they're just trying to get a reaction,' he whispered lowly as we walked through the car park. They followed close behind.

One was standing in front of the lift, blocking our entrance.

'Excuse me, we have to get on,' Harry said calmly and politely, but he didn't move, just kept taking photos.

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