
9 0 0

Bare shoulders
Collar bones
Ruffled hair
White bandage

It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light and for my brain to process where I was and what was happening.
His arms were around me tightly, holding onto me for dear life.
He was quiet sweaty and I noticed he was panting.

'Harry,' I whispered. I shook him lightly, trying to wake him. His grip got tighter and he shook his head.

'Harry.' This time a little louder. When he didn't respond, I shook him again, properly.
His eyes shot open, those beautiful green eyes.
'You alright?' I asked, 'you were sweating and panting.'
His grip around me finally loosened, letting me breath normally again.
'Sorry, bad dream.'
'It's alright.' An awkward silence fell over the two of us.
'Umm, about last night.' He was the first to break it.
'Don't worry about it, really.'
'Is it alright if it just stays a secret?' His eyes were pleading.
'I wouldn't tell a soul. But, just for the record, who does know?' I asked quietly, as if I said it too loud, someone would here, even though the only people that were here were me and Harry.

'Well the boys know, and my family, maybe one or two people from management, I don't know. I get the impression that some people know sometimes, they just don't want to say anything.' His eyes gained a glassy looked to them as he looked down at my shoulder, probably not realising he was doing so, as he went into deep thought about something.
'What time is it?'
I reached for my phone, checking the time.
'Shit, it's 7:40, I have to get home before someone notices I'm gone.' I sat up and peeled the sheets back off of me, landing my feet on the soft carpet.
'I'll ahh, drive you,' Harry muffled from behind me.
He stood up and pulled out a black shirt from his wardrobe, putting it on.
It hung loosely around his torso but was still tight in all the right places.
'Are you ready?' His voice was still croaky due to just waking up, a mix between sexy and cute.
'Yeah, I guess so.'
He rubbed his eyes before walking to the front door and out to his car as I followed him.

'Do you wanna go for coffee?' Harry asked once we were stopped in traffic.
'I have to get back before they know I'm gone though,' I reminded him.
'I know silly,' he laughed. I was just grateful he was happy again, well, at least he seemed happy.
'I meant after. You could pretend to wake up, then once they know you're there, we could go out for coffee.'
'That sounds nice. Where will I meet you?'
'I can drop you off around the corner from your house and just wait for you. Text me when you're about to come.'
The car took off again as the traffic moved, Harry placing his eyes on the road.

The house was quiet and dark which was a good sign.
I crawled through my small window, sucking in my breath.
I wasn't quiet sure if it was because of the suspense of trying not to wake anyone up or if it was to make myself be able to fit through the window, either way, by the time I made it through, I was out of breath.
I walked to my closet and stripped from my dirty clothes and put some fresh ones on.
I got ready to go out for coffee, brushing my hair and teeth, applying some eyeliner and mascara.
I could hear people waking up, muffled good morning being said between people outside my door.
Feet shuffling down the hallway, as the person made their way to the kitchen.
My shaky hand was placed on the doorknob, but I was hesitant to open it.
What if they did notice me missing last night?
What if dad knew all about me sneaking out. What if he knew I spent the night with Harry.
Maybe a paparazzi or two caught us again.
What would he do? Yell at me? Forbid I see Harry again.
Send me back home?
I took one deep breath in from my nose, closing my eyes.
Of course he doesn't know, how would he? He would have at least tried to call me right?
The doorknob turned under my hand and I pulled it open, showing an empty room.
Dad was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, a stack of different papers and magazines by his side as he opened one, started reading it.
'Morning,' he grunted, not lifting his eyes from the paper.
'Dad, I'm going out for coffee, I'll be back in an hour or two,' I told him, trying to keep my voice strong and not let it break under the false pressure.
'How long does it take to get coffee?'
I didn't reply, not really sure how to.
'Alright, fine, bye.' He still didn't lift his eyes from the magazine in between his hands.
With that, I turned on my heels and headed for the door.

'What happened?' A worried looking Harry asked when I opened the door and slid in.
'He was fine, didn't suspect a thing.'
'Thank god,' Harry let out a sigh of relief.
Something started buzzing in Harry's pocket, he quickly pulled his phone out and answered it.
'Hello.' He was silent for a while, while the person on the other end talked.

'Look I can't talk now, we'll talk later.' His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked slightly annoyed.
'Is everything alright?' He turned the car on and started driving towards the end of the road.
'Yeah, just management.'
'They really get to you don't they?' I half whispered.
'You have no idea.' He shook his head as if trying to remove any negative thoughts.
The corner of his mouth turned up slightly, in a soft, half hearted smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

The cafe wasn't too crowded, but as soon as we walked in, I heard a few gasps along with a quiet sigh from Harry.
Soon enough we were surrounded by girls, all shoving pieces of paper into Harry's face.
'This is probably a bad time to tell you about my claustrophobia,' I whispered to Harry as I was being pushed further and further away.
He gave me a worried look before posing for a photo as a girl pulled out her phone and stood next to him.
I walked out of the small crowd and ordered myself a chai latte, I hoped he was alright with a cappuccino.
He signed every piece of paper and took a photo with every single person in the store that asked, but that's when I saw people gathering outside.
'Harry,' I called out, standing up from the seat I was sitting on as I waited for him.
His head turned to my direction as I pointed outside.
I saw his eyes grow wide as he saw the girls gathering outside, as they all slowly discovered that it was really him, THE Harry Styles.
'Girls, I'm sorry, but I have to go.' He started pushing through them as they all tried to block him, trying to get more photos.
'Dan get to the back,' he called out to me.
I picked up our drinks and headed to the back door, waiting for him.
The door opened, that's when it got crazy.
There were 100 to 150 girls, all screaming, running in, trying to get to Harry.
My lungs were feeling heavy, and it was like no matter how deeply I breathed in, I couldn't bring in enough air.
I couldn't see Harry anymore, he was mixed in with the screams.
'Harry?' I called out weakly.
My breathing got faster, but it didn't help.
'Focus,' I told myself.
'Focus on something.'
I looked around, noticing the staff all looking terrified, hiding underneath the counter and in the wash room as things got knocked over carelessly.
First to go down was the paper cups and straws, not to bad, but then went the glasses, it shattered everywhere.
But they didn't stop, they didn't even take notice.
'Harry?' I called out helplessly. My nose started tingling, a sign I was close to crying.
Down went the coffee machine, now that got people's attention, but only for a few seconds.
But that's all he needed, finally I spotted him, running, pushing, trying to keep a smile on his face as the fans grabbed at him, pulling this and that.
There was a man.
Quiet a hairy, chubby man, standing behind the counter.
He wasn't there before, he must have come from the wash room.
I was guessing he's the owner because he didn't look too happy.
Within a second, he was over the counter, pushing his way through the girls to Harry.
His face was getting redder by the second with anger, what was he doing?
Maybe he'd yell at Harry for causing all this chaos.
Maybe he'd try to kick him out, or hit him?
I doubted the last, there were too many of his fans around.
His next actions surprised me, once he got to Harry, he stood in front of him and took a selfie.
Hahah, no no, I'm just kidding.
What he did was much more helpful than that, he started pushing through the girls as Harry hid behind him.
The stranger was protecting him from the frantic girl's grabbing hands.
As the two got closer, I opened the door and stood outside, waiting for them.
As soon as Harry was through the door, I slammed it close, thanking the man.

I felt Harry's hand grab onto mine tightly, as he started running, pulling me along.
With the sudden jolt, I dropped the drinks, but there was no time to worry about it.
'What was that?' I yelled out to Harry, already puffing.
'Some of them must have tweeted about it or told their friends, we got out just in time.'
We ran what felt like three blocks before finding the car, jumping in and taking off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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