How To Deal With A Busy Social Life And Wattpad At The Same Time

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'I'm writing on Wattpad and my real/social life is getting hectic- what do I do?'

That statement above is the story of my life. I'm not saying I'm some social butterfly or anything but with school and friends, Wattpad can sometimes be forgotten or just ignored.

Finding a balance can be tricky, especially if you're writing loads of books at the same time. My best advice is to take every free moment as time to write. Right now, I'm writing this on the bus home on my phone which is where I write everything. I travel for two hours on a bus everyday, which effectively gives me two hours of writing time.

Another tip I have is to learn how to write fast. I'm not saying rush your work, but what I've learnt after almost two years on Wattpad is how to write 1000 word in twenty minutes. Don't spend hours pondering over whether to use 'brilliant' instead of 'radiant'. Just write!

SO many new writers want their books to be perfect, but that will never be the case. In fact, I've become the writer I am today because of the mistakes I made when I first started writing.

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