How To Handle Writing Multiple Books At The Same Time

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Writing multiple books at the same time can be stressful and you feel like you are always writing. Updates can become spread out and infrequent, and it can be difficult to know which books to prioritise. But there are ways to handle writing multiple books at the same time. Here are some tips that have worked well for me.

1. Create an update schedule and STICK TO IT. This gives you some type of deadline that you have to stick to which gives you an incentive to write.

2. Make sure you've planned all your books thoroughly so you don't have to spend ages thinking about what to put in the chapter before writing it- you can just write it.

3. Keep on top of your books. The more you put off updating, the more stressed you will become. Even if it means forcing yourself to write, know that you'll feel much better once you've got that chapter out the way.

4. When you feel inspiration strike, take full advantage of that and write as many chapters as you can. Whenever you can write- just do it. Write when you can because it will take the strain off you.

5. And finally, if you're feeling overwhelmed by books, take a deep breath and remember that if you really can't update for something like a week then it is not the end of the world.

P.S try to not get the characters in your different books mixed up. I speak from experience!

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